Brian S. Lowery

The Walter Kenneth Kilpatrick Professor of Organizational Behavior
Academic Area:
Brian S. Lowery


Brian Lowery is The Walter Kenneth Kilpatrick Professor of Organizational Behavior. He received his doctorate in social psychology from UCLA in 2001, and has been on faculty at Stanford since 2002. At Stanford GSB, Professor Lowery is currently driving an initiative, Leadership for Society, to support the development of leaders for a diverse society. He was also recently named founding co-director of The Stanford Institute for Advancing Just Societies. The mission of the institute is to “produce cutting-edge research and solutions to realize racial justice.”

Lowery’s research has two major threads. The first thread examines the way people understand inequality, and how these understandings affect their attitudes and behavior. The second thread examines the consequences of the reality that others shape our selves and we shape theirs. This work explores issues ranging from the nature of racial, gender and other social identities to an understanding of how others help us generate meaning in life. This research has been published in major scholarly journals such as the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, and Law and Human Behavior. His book on these topics, Selfless, will be available March 28, 2023. He also hosts a podcast, Know What You See, and a course webinar open to the public, The Leadership for Society series, all of which can be found at

Administrative Titles

Founding Co-Director of the Institute for Advancing Just Societies
Director, Executive Program in Leadership: The Effective Use of Power
Co-Director, Interpersonal Dynamics for High-Performance Executives
Director, Black Leaders Program

Academic Degrees

  • PhD, University of California, Los Angeles, 2002
  • MA, University of California, Los Angeles, 1998
  • BS, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, 1996

Academic Appointments

  • Stanford University, 2002–present

Awards and Honors

  • Hank McKinnell-Pfizer Inc. Faculty Fellow, 2017–18
  • Graduate School of Business Trust Faculty Fellow, 2014–15

Service to the Profession


    • American Psychological Society
    • Society for Personality and Social Psychology
    • Academy of Management
    • Society of Experimental Social Psychology

    Research Statement

    Brian Lowery’s research seeks to extend knowledge of individuals’ experience of inequality and fairness. His work suggests that individuals distinguish between inequalities framed as advantage as opposed to disadvantage. This finding affects how individuals perceive inequality and the steps they take, if any, to reduce it. Thus, his work sheds light on intergroup conflict and the nature of social justice.

    Journal Articles

    Vivian Xiao, Brian S. Lowery, Amelia Stillwell
    Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
    2023 Vol. 49 Issue 4 Pages 554–570
    Charles Chu, Brian S. Lowery
    Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
    2023 Vol. 125 Issue 5 Pages 1055–1071
    Sanaz Talaifar, Brian S. Lowery
    Perspectives on Psychological Science
    September 2022 Vol. 18 Issue 3 Pages 544–575
    Amelia Stillwell, Brian S. Lowery
    Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
    September 2021 Vol. 121 Issue 3 Pages 548–572
    L. Taylor Phillips, Brian S. Lowery
    Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
    December 2020 Vol. 119 Issue 6 Pages 1403–1422
    L. Taylor Phillips, Brian S. Lowery
    Currents Directions in Psychological Science
    May 1, 2018 Vol. 27 Issue 3 Pages 156-162
    Sora Jun, Brian S. Lowery, Lucia Guillory
    Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
    December 1, 2017 Vol. 43 Issue 12 Pages 1615-1629
    L. Taylor Phillips, Brian S. Lowery
    Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
    November 2015 Vol. 61 Pages 12-18
    Eric D. Knowles, Brian S. Lowery, Rosalind M. Chow, Miguel M. Unzueta
    Perspectives on Psychological Science
    November 17, 2014 Vol. 9 Issue 6 Pages 594-609
    Rosalind M. Chow, Brian S. Lowery, Caitlin M. Hogan
    Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
    March 1, 2013 Vol. 39 Issue 3 Pages 332-345
    Brian S. Lowery, Rosalind M. Chow, Eric D. Knowles, Miguel M. Unzueta
    Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
    February 2012 Vol. 102 Issue 2 Pages 323-336
    Brian S. Lowery, Daryl A. Wout
    Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
    June 2010 Vol. 98 Issue 6 Pages 956-966
    Eric D. Knowles, Brian S. Lowery, Rebecca L Schaumberg
    Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
    March 2010 Vol. 46 Issue 2 Pages 420–423
    Eric D. Knowles, Brian S. Lowery, Rebecca L. Schaumberg
    Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
    July 2009 Vol. 45 Issue 4 Pages 965-969
    Brian S. Lowery, Rosalind M. Chow, Jennifer Randall Cosby
    Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
    February 2009 Vol. 45 Issue 2 Pages 375-378
    Eric D. Knowles, Brian S. Lowery, Caitlin M. Hogan, Rosalind M. Chow
    Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
    2009 Vol. 96 Issue 4 Pages 857-869
    Brian S. Lowery, Miguel M. Unzueta
    Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
    November 2008 Vol. 44 Issue 6 Pages 1491-1497
    Miguel M. Unzueta, Brian S. Lowery, Eric D. Knowles
    Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
    January 2008 Vol. 105 Issue 1 Pages 1–13
    Rosalind M. Chow, Brian S. Lowery, Eric D. Knowles
    Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
    2008 Vol. 44 Issue 4 Pages 1073–1081
    Brian S. Lowery, Naomi I. Eisenberger, Curtis D. Hardin, Stacy Sinclair
    Basic and Applied Social Psychology
    December 2007 Vol. 29 Issue 2 Pages 151-157
    Brian S. Lowery, Eric D. Knowles, Miguel M. Unzueta
    Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
    September 2007 Vol. 33 Issue 9 Pages 1237-1250
    Brian S. Lowery, Miguel M. Unzueta , Eric D. Knowles, Phillip Atiba Goff
    Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
    2006 Vol. 90 Issue 6 Pages 961-974
    Stacey Sinclair, Brian S. Lowery, Curtis D. Hardin, A. Colangelo
    Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
    2005 Vol. 89 Issue 4 Pages 583-592
    Brian S. Lowery, Sandra Graham
    Law and Human Behavior
    October 2004 Vol. 28 Issue 5 Pages 483-504

    Other Publications

    Rosalind M. Chow, L. Taylor Phillips, Brian S. Lowery, Miguel M. Unzueta June 8, 2021 Vol. 62 Issue 4 Pages 25–31


    Brian S. Lowery
    HarperCollins Publishers
    March 2023

    Executive Education & Other Non-Degree Programs

    Transform your leadership, build community, and explore the complexities of showing up authentically in the Black Leaders Program.
    Guide your organization through growth with innovative CFO training that blends financial expertise, strategic thinking, and leadership skills.
    Develop your leadership style, create an action plan and inspire innovation in your team, your company, and the world.
    Act with power, strengthen negotiating skills, learn to manage teams, and lead with impact in this unique leadership program for women on the rise.
    Develop powerful negotiating skills in a rigorous, highly interactive program combining hands-on simulations with research-based discussions.
    Hone your interpersonal skills and transition from being a good leader to a remarkable leader in six emotionally charged, academically rigorous days.
    ​Bring effective team management and innovation to your company with actionable strategies, experiential team-based simulations, and design thinking.
    Gain a competitive advantage using Silicon Valley models and mindsets to recruit, retain, and inspire people for performance and growth.
    Learn how to grow and scale your company in this 10-month program ​for CEOs and founders of established businesses in Africa, Indonesia, and South Asia.
    Start the next step in your personal and professional journey by experiencing Stanford GSB and Silicon Valley’s culture of innovation.
    Elevate your leadership with Stanford LEAD, our flagship online program. Gain the skills and mindset to thrive in today’s complex world.

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