V. “Seenu” Srinivasan

The Adams Distinguished Professor of Management, Emeritus
Academic Area:
V. “Seenu” Srinivasan


Professor V. “Seenu” Srinivasan received his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (Chennai), and was the gold medalist in his graduating class. He worked for two years as a production-planning engineer at Larsen and Toubro, Mumbai prior to joining Carnegie-Mellon University where he received his MS and PhD in industrial administration. He is currently the Adams Distinguished Professor of Management, Emeritus at the Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB). He was formerly the director of the Stanford GSB PhD Program, chair of the marketing area, and the faculty director of its Strategic Marketing Management program in Executive Education.

Professor Srinivasan’s early research and publications were in the field of Operations Research, specifically the parametric programming of transportation problem and its applications.  His primary research interest in marketing is in the measurement of customer preference structures (conjoint analysis) and its role in product and service planning and pricing. The name “Conjoint Analysis” was coined by him and the late Prof. Paul Green in a research paper in 1978. He has also contributed to other market research areas such as salesforce compensation plans, measurement of brand equity, and market structuring. At the Stanford MBA program, he taught the accelerated core course in Data and Decisions and an elective course in Customer-Focused Product Marketing. Professor Srinivasan has been a consultant to several companies and has won best-teacher awards. He was an associate editor of Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing Research, and Management Science. He received the Parlin Award for outstanding contributions to marketing research, the Churchill Award for lifetime achievement in marketing research, the Converse Award for outstanding contributions to the development of the science of marketing, the Buck Weaver Award for lifetime contributions to the advancement of theory and practice in marketing science, and the V. Kumar Award for Doctoral Mentorship.  He has received ten best research paper of the year awards including three John Little Awards and two O’Dell Awards. Professor Srinivasan is a fellow of the American Marketing Association, a fellow of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), and a fellow of the INFORMS Society for Marketing Science (ISMS). The American Marketing Association has established the “Srinivasan Young Scholar Award in Quantitative Marketing” awarded annually at its summer conference.

Research Interests

  • Conjoint analysis
  • Marketing research

Stanford University Affiliations

  • Affiliated Professor Department of Management Science and Engineering, Stanford University 1980-1997 and 2009-2010

Academic Degrees

  • Ph.D. in Industrial Administration, Graduate School of Industrial Administration, Carnegie-Mellon University, 1971
  • M.S. in Industrial Administration, Graduate School of Industrial Administration, Carnegie-Mellon University, 1970
  • B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (Chennai), 1966

Academic Appointments

  • At Stanford University since 1974
  • Adams Distinguished Professor of Management, Emeritus, Stanford GSB, 2010- present
  • Faculty Director, Strategic Marketing Management Executive Program, Stanford University, 2002-2009
  • Director, Doctoral Program, Stanford GSB, 1982-1985
  • Marketing Area Chair, September 1976–July 1978, September 1988-June 1993, September 2000-June 2003
  • Associate Professor, Professor, and Chaired Professor, Stanford GSB, 1974-2010
  • Assistant-Associate Professor, University of Rochester, 1971-1974
  • Lecturer, Graduate School of Industrial Administration, Carnegie Mellon University, 1970

Awards and Honors

  • Fellow, American Marketing Association (AMA), 2018
  • Fellow, Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), 2010
  • Fellow, INFORMS Society for Marketing Science (ISMS), 2009
  • Winner of the "Buck" Weaver Award for lifetime contributions to the advancement of theory and practice in marketing science, 2014
  • Winner of the American Marketing Association Converse Award for outstanding contributions to the development of the science of marketing, 2000
  • Winner of the American Marketing Association Churchill Award for lifetime achievement in marketing research, 1998
  • Winner of the American Marketing Association Parlin Award for outstanding contributions to marketing research, 1996
  • Winner of the ISMS Long Term Impact Award, John Little Award, and Bass Award for the article published in Marketing Science 2008
  • Winner of the John Little Award for the best marketing article published in Marketing Science/Management Science, 2002
  • Winner of the John Little Award for the best marketing article published in Marketing Science/Management Science, 1985
  • Winner of the O’Dell Award for the best article published in the Journal of Marketing Research, 1987
  • Winner of the O'Dell Award for the best article published in the Journal of Marketing Research, 1979
  • Coauthor of the Bass Award winning article published in Management Science, 1990
  • Winner of the Thomas P. Hustad award for the best article published in the Journal of Product Innovation Management, 2000
  • Winner of the Hardin Award for the best article published in Marketing Research, 2000
  • Winner of the American Marketing Association Lehmann Award for an article published in Journal of Marketing Research, 1994
  • Winner of the first prize for the best article in the special issue of Operations Research on Health Care, October 1976
  • Finalist for two other John Little awards, two other O'Dell awards, and two Paul Green awards
  • Winner of the Lifetime Scholastic Achievement Award from the Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai, India, 2010
  • Winner of the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, 2001
  • President of India Gold Medal awarded to the best student graduating in 1966, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (Chennai)
  • American Marketing Association's (AMA) establishment of the annual "Srinivasan Young Scholar Award in Quantitative Marketing," 2017
  • Eight doctoral advisees (Basu, Glazer, McAlister, Netzer, Ofek, Park, Parker, and Raju) have won best dissertation or dissertation-based paper awards
  • Invited faculty speaker at American Marketing Association Doctoral Consortia: 1977-1978, 1984, 1986-1988, 1990, 1994, 1996-1998, 2005-2006, 2008, 2018
  • Winner of the American Marketing Association V. Kumar Award for Doctoral Student Mentorship, 2025

Service to the Profession

    • Editorial Board Member, Marketing Science, 1982-2015
    • Editorial Board Member, Journal of Marketing Research, 1988-2009
    • Editorial Board Member, Management Science, 1974-1991
    • Area Editor, Marketing Science, 1980-1982
    • Academic Trustee, Marketing Science Institute, 2003-2010

    Professional Experience

    • Production Planning Engineer, Larsen and Toubro, Ltd., India, 1966-1968

    Research Statement

    “Seenu” Srinivasan’s expertise is in the area of market research. In particular, he is most well known for his research in “conjoint analysis,” a term he coined with the late Professor Paul Green of the Wharton school. This survey-based research approach is useful for product (or service) planning and pricing by predicting which among several multi-attribute products or services customers are likely to choose. Thirty to forty thousand commercial applications of conjoint analysis methods occur every year. His other research contributions are in the areas of salesforce compensation plans, measurement of brand equity, and market structure analysis (the nature and magnitude of substitutability among brands in a product market).

    Journal Articles

    V. “Seenu” Srinivasan, Charlotte Mason
    2024 AMA Winter Academic Conference Proceedings, Samantha Cross and Alok Saboo, eds. American Marketing Association
    February 1, 2024 Pages 775–786
    V. “Seenu” Srinivasan, David E. Bloom, Alex Khoury
    Applied Health Economics and Health Policy
    March 1, 2022 Vol. 20 Issue 3 Pages 371-381
    Marcus C. Parrish, Andrea Hanson-Kahn, V. “Seenu” Srinivasan, Kevin V. Grimes
    Journal of Clinical and Translational Science
    March 1, 2022 Vol. 6 Issue 1 Pages 1-9
    V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    Foundations and Trends in Marketing
    2022 Vol. 16 Issue 1-2 Pages 238-243
    V. “Seenu” Srinivasan, David E. Bloom, Alex Khoury
    Proceedings of the Library of Sciences (PLOS ONE)
    July 22, 2021 Vol. 16 Issue 7 Pages 1-20
    V. “Seenu” Srinivasan, Bradlley A. Hanson
    Great Lakes Herald
    March 2018 Vol. 18 Issue 1 Pages 1-36
    V. “Seenu” Srinivasan, Dick R Wittink, Bruce M. Zweig
    Great Lakes Herald
    September 2017 Vol. 11 Issue 2 Pages 1-41
    Sudhir Voleti, V. “Seenu” Srinivasan, Pulak Ghosh
    International Journal of Research in Marketing
    June 2017 Vol. 34 Issue 2 Pages 325-335
    Christopher S. Saigal, Sylvia I. Lambrechts, V. “Seenu” Srinivasan, Ely Dahan
    The Patient — Patient-Centered Outcomes Research
    June 2017 Vol. 10 Issue 3 Pages 345–352
    V. “Seenu” Srinivasan, G. Shainesh, Anand K. Sharma
    The Service Industries Journal
    2015 Vol. 35 Issue 14 Pages 747-762
    Ely Dahan, V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    IIMB Management Review
    September 2011 Vol. 23 Issue 3 Pages 131-139
    Oded Netzer, V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    Journal of Marketing Research
    February 2011 Vol. 48 Issue 1 Pages 140-156
    Sang-Hoon Kim, V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    Journal of Product Innovation Management
    March 2009 Vol. 26 Issue 3 Pages 278–290
    V. “Seenu” Srinivasan, Gordon A. Wyner
    Proceedings of the Sawtooth Software Conference
    2009 Pages 143–161
    Oded Netzer, James M. Lattin, V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    Marketing Science
    2008 Vol. 27 Issue 2 Pages 185-204
    V. “Seenu” Srinivasan, Chan Su Park, Dae Ryun Chang
    Management Science
    September 2005 Vol. 51 Issue 9 Pages 1433-1448
    Ran Kivetz , Oded Netzer , V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    Journal of Marketing Research
    August 2004 Vol. 41 Issue 3 Pages 237-257
    Elie Ofek, V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    Marketing Science
    November 2002 Vol. 21 Issue 4 Pages 398-411
    Raj Sethuraman, V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    Journal of Marketing Research
    August 2002 Vol. 39 Issue 3 Pages 379-386
    William S. Lovejoy, V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    Journal of Product Innovation Management
    January 2002 Vol. 19 Issue 1 Pages 32-45
    Ely Dahan, V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    Journal of Product Innovation Management
    March 2000 Vol. 17 Issue 2 Pages 99–109
    William P. Putsis, Jr., V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    New Product Diffusion Models
    2000 Pages 263-294
    Peter deMaCarty, V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    Marketing Research
    December 1999 Vol. 11 Issue 4 Pages 28
    V. “Seenu” Srinivasan, Raj Sethuraman, Doyle Kim
    Marketing Science
    February 1999 Vol. 18 Issue 1 Pages 23-41
    Randolph E. Bucklin, Gary J. Russell, V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    Journal of Marketing Research
    February 1998 Vol. 35 Issue 1 Pages 99-113
    V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    Operations Research: Methods, Models and Applications
    1998 Pages 97-112
    V. “Seenu” Srinivasan, Chan Su Park
    Journal of Marketing Research
    May 1997 Vol. 34 Issue 2 Pages 286-291
    Willy Gochet, Antonie Stam, V. “Seenu” Srinivasan, Shaoxiang Chen
    Operations Research
    March 1997 Vol. 45 Issue 2 Pages 213-225
    V. “Seenu” Srinivasan, William S. Lovejoy, David Beach
    Journal of Marketing Research
    February 1997 Vol. 34 Issue 1, Special Issue on Innovation and New Products Pages 154-163
    Jagmohan S. Raju, V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    Management Science
    October 1996 Vol. 42 Issue 10 Pages 1454-1462
    Chan Su Park, V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    Journal of Marketing Research
    May 1994 Vol. 31 Issue 2 Pages 271-288
    Rajiv Lal, V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    Management Science
    July 1993 Vol. 39 Issue 7 Pages 777-793
    Rajiv Grover, V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    Journal of Marketing Research
    February 1992 Vol. 29 Issue 1 Pages 76-89
    Michael Hagerty, V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    March 1991 Vol. 56 Issue 1 Pages 77-85
    Randolph E. Bucklin, V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    Journal of Marketing Research
    February 1991 Vol. 28 Issue 1 Pages 58-71
    Paul E. Green, V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    Journal of Marketing
    October 1990 Vol. 54 Issue 4 Pages 3-19
    Jagmohan S. Raju, V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    Management Science
    March 1990 Vol. 36 Issue 3 Pages 276-304
    V. “Seenu” Srinivasan, Amiya K. Basu
    Marketing Science
    August 1989 Vol. 8 Issue 3 Pages 205-230
    V. “Seenu” Srinivasan, P. Vanden Abeele, I. Butaye
    Marketing Science
    February 1989 Vol. 8 Issue 1 Pages 78-88
    V. “Seenu” Srinivasan, Gordon A. Wyner
    New-Product Development and Testing
    1989 Pages 91-111
    V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    Decision Sciences
    June 1988 Vol. 19 Issue 2 Pages 295-305
    V. “Seenu” Srinivasan, Helen A. Weir
    Journal of Marketing Research
    May 1988 Vol. 25 Issue 2 Pages 145-156
    Rajiv Grover, V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    Journal of Marketing Research
    May 1987 Vol. 24 Issue 2 Pages 139-153
    Vijay Mahajan, Charlotte H. Mason, V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    Innovation Diffusion Models of New Product Acceptance
    1986 Pages 203-232
    V. “Seenu” Srinivasan, Charlotte H. Mason
    Marketing Science
    1986 Vol. 5 Issue 2 Pages 169-178
    Amiya K. Basu, Rajiv Lal, V. “Seenu” Srinivasan, Richard Staelin
    Marketing Science
    1985 Vol. 4 Issue 4 Pages 267-291
    V. “Seenu” Srinivasan, Arun K. Jain, Neil Malhotra
    Journal of Marketing Research
    November 1983 Vol. 20 Issue 4 Pages 433-438
    Shelby H. McIntyre, David Bruce Montgomery, V. “Seenu” Srinivasan, Barton A. Weitz
    Journal of Marketing Research
    February 1983 Vol. 20 Issue 1 Pages 1-11
    Jean-Claude Larréché, V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    Management Science
    September 1982 Vol. 28 Issue 9 Pages 979-1001
    V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    Choice Models for Buyer Behavior, Research in Marketing (Supplement 1)
    1982 Pages 81-90
    V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    Management Science
    July 1981 Vol. 27 Issue 7 Pages 731–756
    V. “Seenu” Srinivasan, Jarir S. Dajani, Peter G. Flachsbart, Rolfe G. Hartley
    Journal of Marketing
    1981 Vol. 45 Issue 3 Pages 157-172
    Allan D. Shocker, V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    Journal of Marketing Research
    May 1979 Vol. 16 Issue 2 Pages 159-180
    V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    Management Science
    January 1979 Vol. 25 Issue 1 Pages 11-21
    Paul E. Green, V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    Journal of Consumer Research
    September 1978 Vol. 5 Issue 2 Pages 103-123
    Siddhartha R. Dalal, V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    Management Science
    August 1977 Vol. 23 Issue 12 Pages 1284–1294
    V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    Management Science
    December 1976 Vol. 23 Issue 4 Pages 349-360
    Barnett R. Parker, V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    Operations Research
    October 1976 Vol. 24 Issue 5 Pages 991-1025
    V. “Seenu” Srinivasan, R. Kesavan
    The Journal of Consumer Research
    September 1976 Vol. 3 Issue 2 Pages 76-83
    V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery
    July 1976 Vol. 23 Issue 3 Pages 475-487
    V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    Journal of Marketing Research
    November 1975 Vol. 12 Issue 4 Pages 377-389
    Allan D. Shocker, V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    Management Science
    February 1974 Vol. 20 Issue 6 Pages 921-937
    V. “Seenu” Srinivasan, Allan D. Shocker
    December 1973 Vol. 38 Issue 4 Pages 473-493
    V. “Seenu” Srinivasan, Allan D. Shocker
    September 1973 Vol. 38 Issue 3 Pages 337-369

    Book Chapters

    V. “Seenu” Srinivasan
    Legends in Marketing: Paul E. Green
    2017 Pages xxi-xxxiii

    In the Media

    Insights by Stanford Business

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    A new analysis of social and economic impact bolsters the fight against hepatitis C in India.
    December 05, 2017
    15 Stanford business professors recommend books for those long winter nights.
    August 30, 2017
    Using consumer preferences and big data to analyze treatment options can create value for all.
    September 01, 2009
    Marketers lavish attention on their best customers, but it may be more cost effective to increase spending on the occasional consumer.
    August 01, 2006
    A study finds that 10% of shoppers choose their store based on that week's ads.
    February 01, 2006
    Researchers develop a method for managers to figure out how much more a company will earn if it invests in certain branding initiatives.
    May 01, 2004
    A new probabilistic model determines what features and pricing factors influence a buyer's decision to upgrade.
    July 01, 2001
    Research shows that Internet-based prototypes can predict consumer choice nearly as accurately as physical ones.

    School News

    April 04, 2018
    The new award will reward young scholars working on quantitative methodologies of interest to academics and practitioners of marketing.