The organizational behavior group is dedicated to advancing research, teaching, and practice regarding the management of organizations.
The group’s faculty members research fundamental questions in organizational behavior, from both a social psychological and a sociological perspective, and publish their research in books and in the top management and social science journals.
MBA courses in organizational behavior help students to understand behavior at both the individual and organization levels. Topics at the individual or “micro” level include individual motivation and behavior, decision-making, interpersonal communication and influence, small group behavior, and individual, dyadic, and intergroup conflict and cooperation. At the organization or “macro” level, topics include organizational growth, organizational change, organizational learning, organizations and leadership, power, social networks, and social responsibility.
More generally, the organizational behavior curriculum helps prepare students for their managerial careers, providing them with frameworks for diagnosing and dealing with the problems and opportunities that typically arise in organizational settings.
Recent Publications in Organizational Behavior
The Phonology of Letter Shapes
Ambition as a Doubled-Edged Sword: Career Success and Unethical Behavior
Emphasis on Financial vs Nonfinancial Criteria in Employer Benefits’ Measurements
Jobs & Placement
Jon Atwell
William P. Barnett
Robert A. Burgelman
Glenn R. Carroll
Julien Clement
Geoffrey Lawrence Cohen
Shelley J. Correll
Jennifer Eberhardt
Francis J. Flynn
Michele J. Gelfand
Amir Goldberg
Deborah H. Gruenfeld
Douglas R. Guilbeault
Nir Halevy
Michael T. Hannan
Chip Heath
Michal Kosinski
Roderick M. Kramer
Brian S. Lowery
Ashley Martin
Joanne Martin
Daniel A. McFarland
David Melnikoff
Dale T. Miller
Helena Miton
Benoît Monin
Margaret Ann Neale
Charles A. O’Reilly
Jeffrey Pfeffer
Jerry I. Porras
Walter W. Powell
Hayagreeva Rao
Sara Singer
Sarah A. Soule
Jesper B. Sørensen
Robb Willer
Janet Xu
Matt Abrahams
Burton Alper
Sven A. Beiker
Melissa Jones Briggs
George W. Cogan
Andrea Corney
David F. Demarest
Alison Goldsworthy
H. Irving Grousbeck
Bill Guttentag
Mubarik Imam
Raj Joshi
Allison D. Kluger
Kelly M. McGonigal
Robert M. Pearl
Russell Siegelman
Delaney Steele
Amy Wilkinson
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