Student with a Career Coach

Job Search Resources

If you are seeking a new position, explore this section to find tools, tips, guidance, and other resources to help you along the way.

Job Boards

Job listings for Alumni on our CareerHub platform.


Understand your strengths and interests to help you identify and target the right kind of job or career.

Career Coaching

Connect with a GSB alumni career coach for complimentary coaching or browse a list of pre-screened coaches for longer-term engagements.

Best Practices

Resumes & Cover Letters Find guidance and tips for making the most of your resume and cover letters, and browse a range of samples.
Networking Most alumni find their jobs through networking-based job searches. Find out the most efficient methods for conducting one.
Interviewing Demonstrate your unique value during an interview, and leave a great impression.
LinkedIn Build your personal brand online, make yourself more visible to executive recruiters, and broaden your professional network by leveraging LinkedIn.
Executive Recruiters Learn how executive recruiters work and how you can build relationships with them to achieve long-term career goals.
Negotiating Create a win-win situation for you and your next employer during the negotiation process.
AI Prompts for Jobseekersopen in new window Explore AI prompts to use at various points in your job search.