MSx studdent studying and talking outside

Student Life

Your experience as a student in the Stanford MSx program is a blend of academic, social, and career activities.

Imagine Yourself at Stanford GSB

Imagine Yourself at Stanford GSB

Take a closer look at living spaces, common areas, and classrooms in this virtual tour hosted by our MBA students.
Dipesh Mahtani
Alumni Spotlight
MSx Class of 2024

"Above all else, the GSB community embodies unbridled positive energy. Across all dimensions of my identity, I have felt supported and had opportunities to thrive."

During your year in the MSx Program, you will fully immerse yourself into the incredible resources available at Stanford. Here are just some of the ways you can integrate into the Stanford community, experiment and learn, and build your network:

  • Learn strategy in class one afternoon and incorporate it as you participate in a club or organization meeting that evening
  • Go to a small group lunch with a faculty member, then attend an Insights and Bites presentation to learn more about faculty research over dinner
  • Float a new company idea past your classmates who bring perspectives and experience from around the world, take it to the Venture Studio, and learn how you might build out the business plan
  • Attend a brown bag lunch or listen to the lessons of a top executive in the View From The Top speaker series
  • Enjoy the beautiful sunshine and dine outdoors with friends and family while sharing takeaways from class, or take lessons at the golf course to master your backswing

Through these and other opportunities, you will internalize the concepts of innovation, lead and inspire others, and expand global perspectives. Feel confident that there will be many options to push you to your full potential.

The Value of the Student Experience

The Value of the Student Experience

Tiffany Teng, MS ’19, articulates how different student experiences helped her understand her leadership and the impact she can have going forward.
Leveraging Silicon Valley

Leveraging Silicon Valley

Amir Damerdji, MS ’19, shares the benefits of being in Silicon Valley as a student and how that will impact his career.
Taking Risks, Overcoming Challenges

Taking Risks, Overcoming Challenges

Sam Hagerbaumer, MS ’19, describes the risks and challenges you encounter as a student in the MSx Program, and how that impacts her growth personally and professionally.