Research by the Corporate Governance Research Initiative

CGRI research spans these topics: general principles, board of directors, leadership and succession planning, compensation, audit and risk, shareholders, and proxy advisory.

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Stanford Closer Look

The Artificially Intelligent Boardroom

David F. Larcker, Amit Seru, Brian Tayan, Laurie Yoler
Stanford Closer Look Series Corporate Governance Research Initiative March2025

Artificial intelligence has the potential to significantly transform boardroom practices — but perhaps in different ways than is commonly recognized. Four areas in particular are poised for impact, including how boards function, how boards…

Stanford Closer Look

The CEO Scorecard: How Directors Select a CEO When They Have Real Skin in the Game

A.J. Galainena, David F. Larcker, Mason Morfit, Bloor Redding, Amit Seru, Brian Tayan
Stanford Closer Look Series Corporate Governance Research Initiative December2024

Shareholders and stakeholders place considerable emphasis on the importance of reliable CEO succession planning. Nevertheless, it is far from clear that CEO succession planning is any better today than a decade or two ago.

In this

Stanford Closer Look

Failed Say on Pay: How Do Companies Course Correct after a “No” Vote?

Amit Batish, David F. Larcker, Lucia Song, Brian Tayan, Courtney Yu
Stanford Closer Look Series Corporate Governance Research Initiative October2024

In this Closer Look, we take a deep dive into a sample of companies that failed their say-on-pay votes and the changes they implemented the subsequent year. We find many failed votes are in response to large, one-time special awards.…


2024 Survey of Investors, Retirement Savings, and ESG

David F. Larcker, Amit Seru, Brian Tayan
CGRI Survey Series Corporate Governance Research Initiative, Stanford Rock Center for Corporate Governance, Hoover Institution Working Group on Corporate Governance October2024

In summer 2024, Stanford Graduate School of Business, the Hoover Institution Working Group on Corporate Governance, and the Arthur and Toni Rembe Rock Center for Corporate Governance at Stanford University hired Prolific to conduct a nationwide…

Stanford Closer Look

Solar Flare Up: Systemic Organizational Risk in the Residential Solar Industry

David F. Larcker, Brian Tayan
Stanford Closer Look Series Corporate Governance Research Initiative August2024

The concept of systemic organizational risk is critically important in corporate governance. A systemic risk is one in which the system itself — through its incentives, structure, and culture — encourages or fails to detect behavior contrary to…

Stanford Closer Look

Boeing 737 MAX

David F. Larcker, Brian Tayan
Stanford Closer Look Series Corporate Governance Research Initiative May2024

In November 2018, a Boeing 737 MAX airplane crashed off the coast of Indonesia, killing all 189 passengers and crew members. Four months later, a second 737 MAX flying from Ethiopia to Nairobi crashed, killing 157 individuals. In this Closer Look…

Stanford Closer Look

Is ESG a Luxury Good?

David F. Larcker, Amit Seru, Brian Tayan
Stanford Closer Look Series Corporate Governance Research Initiative May2024

In this Closer Look, we consider whether ESG is a luxury good — a good whose high price tag stimulates demand. During times of economic prosperity, shareholders expressed willingness to sacrifice personal financial benefit to see environmental…

Stanford Closer Look

Seven Questions About Proxy Advisors

David F. Larcker, Brian Tayan
Stanford Closer Look Series Corporate Governance Research Initiative April2024

The proxy advisory industry – in which independent third-party firms provide voting recommendations to institutional investors for matters on the annual proxy – has grown in size and controversy. Despite a large number of smaller players, the…


2024 Institutional Investor Survey on Sustainability

David F. Larcker, Linda-Eling Lee, Amit Seru, Brian Tayan
CGRI Survey Series Corporate Governance Research Initiative, Stanford Rock Center for Corporate Governance, Hoover Institution Working Group on Corporate Governance 2024

In fall 2023, Stanford Graduate School of Business, the Hoover Institution Working Group on Corporate Governance, and the Rock Center for Corporate Governance at Stanford University collaborated with the MSCI Sustainability Institute to survey 47…

Stanford Closer Look

Feet to the Fire: How Should Companies Tie Executive Compensation to Climate Targets?

Ida Hempel, Seth Kirkham, David F. Larcker, Asad Raman, Brian Tayan, Kira Varaday
Stanford Closer Look Series Corporate Governance Research Initiative December2023

In recent years, many companies have made voluntary pledges to reduce their carbon footprint. In this Closer Look, we examine how some companies institutionalize their climate commitments through executive compensation contracts. We find…


2023 Survey of Investors, Retirement Savings, and ESG

David F. Larcker, Amit Seru, Brian Tayan
CGRI Survey Series Corporate Governance Research Initiative, Stanford Rock Center for Corporate Governance, Hoover Institution Working Group on Corporate Governance December2023

In fall 2023, Stanford Graduate School of Business, the Hoover Institution Working Group on Corporate Governance at Stanford University, and the Rock Center for Corporate Governance at Stanford University jointly conducted a nationwide survey of…

Stanford Closer Look

CEO Succession and The Walt Disney Company

David F. Larcker, Brian Tayan
Stanford Closer Look Series Corporate Governance Research Initiative December2023

CEO succession planning is a critical exercise for any organization. And yet, experience clearly demonstrates that many companies fail to successfully handle the transition from one CEO to the next. What are the causes of this breakdown? We…

Stanford Closer Look

Mega Grants: Why Would A Board Approve Nine-Figure CEO Pay?

David F. Larcker, Brian Tayan
Stanford Closer Look Series Corporate Governance Research Initiative August2023

Recent years have seen a reemergence of the practice of awarding “mega grants” to CEOs. Mega grants are large, one-time equity awards granted in lieu of or in addition to annual awards with the intended purpose of providing significant incentive…


The Art and Practice of Corporate Governance

David F. Larcker, Brian Tayan
Independently published June2023

The Art and Practice of Corporate Governance examines the central issues of corporate governance today, including board effectiveness, compensation and incentives, organizational risk, succession planning, activism, and ESG. Written in a clear…

Quick Guide

CEO Compensation: Data

David F. Larcker, Brian Tayan
CGRI Quick Guide Series Corporate Governance Research Initiative May2023

This Data Spotlight provides data and statistics on the level and structure of CEO compensation in the United States. This data supplements in the issues introduced in the Quick Guides “

Stanford Closer Look

Seven Gaping Holes in our Knowledge of Corporate Governance

David F. Larcker, Brian Tayan
Stanford Closer Look Series Corporate Governance Research Initiative April2023

In Closer Look, we highlight significant “holes” in our knowledge of corporate governance. These are central issues where insufficient or inadequate study has left us unable to answer basic questions, and where key assumptions relied upon by…

Stanford Closer Look

The Evolving Battlefronts of Shareholder Activism

Andrew C. Baker, David F. Larcker, Brian Tayan, Derek Zaba
Stanford Closer Look Series Corporate Governance Research Initiative March2023

In this Closer Look, we consider current trends in shareholder activism and their potential impact. We examine the introduction of universal proxies, the increase in “activism experience” among directors, and the changing strategies of activists…

Core Concept

Board of Directors: A Guide to Understanding Concepts of Corporate Governance

David F. Larcker, Amit Seru, Brian Tayan
Core Concepts Series Corporate Governance Research Initiative March2023

A roadmap to understanding the fundamental concepts of corporate governance based on theory, empirical research, and data. This guide will take an in-depth look at Board of Directors.

Core Concept

CEO Compensation: A Guide to Understanding Concepts of Corporate Governance

David F. Larcker, Amit Seru, Brian Tayan
Core Concepts Series Corporate Governance Research Initiative March2023

A roadmap to understanding the fundamental concepts of corporate governance based on theory, empirical research, and data. This guide takes an in-depth look at CEO compensation.

Core Concept

CEO Succession Planning: A Guide to Understanding Concepts of Corporate Governance

David F. Larcker, Amit Seru, Brian Tayan
Core Concepts Series Corporate Governance Research Initiative March2023

A roadmap to understanding the fundamental concepts of corporate governance based on theory, empirical research, and data. This guide takes an in-depth look at CEO succession planning.

Core Concept

Core Concept: Shareholders & Stakeholders

David F. Larcker, Amit Seru, Brian Tayan
Core Concepts Series Corporate Governance Research Initiative March2023

A roadmap to understanding the fundamental concepts of corporate governance based on theory, empirical research, and data. This guide will take an in-depth look at shareholders and activism.

Core Concept

The Principles of Corporate Governance: A Guide to Understanding Concepts of Corporate Governance

David F. Larcker, Amit Seru, Brian Tayan
Core Concepts Series Corporate Governance Research Initiative March2023

A roadmap to understanding the fundamental concepts of corporate governance based on theory, empirical research, and data. This guide takes an in-depth look at the

Research Spotlight

ESG Ratings

David F. Larcker, Brian Tayan
CGRI Research Spotlight Series Corporate Governance Research Initiative 2023

This Research Spotlight provides a summary of the academic literature on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) ratings, including:

  • The influence of ESG ratings on mutual fund flows
  • The correlation of ESG ratings across…
Research Spotlight

Environmental, Social, and Governance

David F. Larcker, Brian Tayan
CGRI Research Spotlight Series Corporate Governance Research Initiative (CGRI) 2023

This Research Spotlight provides a summary of the academic literature on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) activities including:

  • The relation between ESG activities and firm value
  • The impact of environmental and…