Diverse group of nine male and female students in front of color wall that is mostly blue with yellow accents

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Updates

Stanford GSB has been a leader in publishing information about our DEI efforts, starting with a series of annual reports and now more regular updates about our activities.

Latest Updates

Our updates are designed to share the latest developments, initiatives, and lessons in our six diversity, equity, and inclusion priority areas:

School Stories & News Opensearch

Summer 2023: Sustaining Change

We launch this new Stanford GSB Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion reporting structure with the aim of sharing insights and fostering conversations on a more frequent basis.
Group of four students with a blond woman and a brown haired man facing the camera and talking outside next to a building


We know our work to date is propelled by a large community of students, staff, faculty, and alumni working together to produce needed and lasting change. We are grateful to all of you who have shared your feedback, insights, and talent with us in this effort, and look forward to continuing this critical work with your help.

Let us know what you think. We look forward to hearing from you.