The Stanford GSB social innovation curriculum educates leaders to spearhead global social and environmental change.
The curriculum provides students the opportunity to focus in a particular field, such as economic opportunity, environmental sustainability, health, or education. They can also shape their academic efforts based on their preferred approach to social impact: e.g., responsible business, social entrepreneurship, nonprofit leadership, social impact funding, or public policy.
Social Innovation Learning Model
Personalize Your Coursework
The Center for Social Innovation offers a curriculum to address the needs of students at various stages of awareness of and commitment to social innovation work:
- We design for the first-time exploration of social innovation ideas.
- We equip students with the tools and frameworks they need to make a successful transition into mission-driven work.
- We support students coming from the field of social impact in developing their leadership potential to maximize their personal impact and that of their organizations.
- We empower aspiring social entrepreneurs through the entrepreneurial journey.
Teaching Faculty & Lecturers
Jennifer Aaker
The General Atlantic Professor
Anat Admati
The George G.C. Parker Professor of Finance and Economics

Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen
Susan Athey
The Economics of Technology Professor
Matthew Bannick
Lecturer in Management
Paul Brest
Professor of Law, Emeritus, Stanford Law School
Greg Buchak
Associate Professor of Finance
Robert Burgelman
The Edmund W. Littlefield Professor of Management
Steven Callander
The Herbert Hoover Professor of Public and Private Management and Professor of Political Economy
Robert Chess
Lecturer in Management
Stuart Coulson
Lecturer in Management
Steve Davis
Lecturer in Management
David Demarest
Lecturer in Management
Darrell Duffie
The Adams Distinguished Professor of Management and Professor of Finance
Charles Ewald
Lecturer in Management
Laura Hattendorf
Lecturer in Management
Keith Hennessey
Lecturer in Economics
Daniel Kessler
Professor of Political Economy
Arvind Krishnamurthy
The John S. Osterweis Professor of Finance
Gloria Lee
Lecturer in Management

Mark Leslie
Brian Lowery
The Walter Kenneth Kilpatrick Professor of Organizational Behavior
Fern Mandelbaum
Lecturer in Management
Maureen McNichols
The Marriner S. Eccles Professor of Accounting and Public and Private Management
George Osborne
Lecturer in Management
Heidi Patel
Lecturer in Management
Robert Pearl
Lecturer in Organizational Behavior
Erica Plambeck
The Charles A. Holloway Professor of Operations, Information & Technology
Hayagreeva Rao
The Atholl McBean Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resources
Stefan Reichelstein
The William R. Timken Professor of Accounting, Emeritus
Kevin Schulman
Professor of Operations, Information & Technology (by courtesy)
Kathryn Shaw
The Ernest C. Arbuckle Professor of Economics
Russell Siegelman
Lecturer in Management
Sara Singer
Professor of Organizational Behavior (by courtesy)
Kenneth Singleton
The Adams Distinguished Professor of Management, Emeritus

Mark Thurber
Robert Urstein
Lecturer in Management
Steve Westly
Lecturer in Management

Frank A. Wolak
Mark Wolfson
Adjunct Professor in Accounting and Finance
Donald Wood
Lecturer in Management