Lab Features

The RAIL environment prepares students for careers in investment management by replicating real-world experiences.

With 24 workstations laid out to mimic a trading floor and the CNBC broadcast blaring in the background, students become immersed in information while they use sophisticated software applications.

Students are expected to conduct their analysis by using applications to retrieve up-to-the-second information and make informed decisions. Whether they are going to buy, sell, or hold a stock, rebalance a portfolio of ETFs, or conduct an industry analysis of a company and its peers, the information and analytical tools are at their fingertips.

Lab Tools

 Nick  Franchot
Alumni Spotlight
MBA 2014

“I didn’t come to Stanford GSB to be a quant, but I find myself in RAIL every day, using data to test different analytical methods and trading strategies. By actively taking positions and learning from my successes and failures, I am developing a skill set that I can immediately leverage upon graduation.”