
The economics academic area includes faculty that study a broad range of topics in their discipline, including economic theory, industrial organization, labor economics, macroeconomics, econometrics, environmental economics, and international trade.

The economic faculty bring ideas from economic research (both their own and those from the broader community of economic scholars) to the classroom.

The group teaches principles of economics and statistics in managerial foundations classes, as well as applications of economics in classes on strategy, public policy, human resource management, global management, and other topics.

The rigorous application of economic principles permeates the Stanford MBA Program, Stanford MSx Program, and Stanford GSB Executive Education curricula. The economics area extends its impact beyond Stanford by publishing, educating PhD students, and influencing public policy.

Recent Publications in Economics

Publication Search

Trading Stocks Builds Financial Confidence and Compresses the Gender Gap

Saumitra Jha, Moses Shayo
Economic Journal January2025

Machine Learning Who to Nudge: Causal vs Predictive Targeting in a Field Experiment on Student Financial Aid Renewal

Susan Athey, Niall Keleher, Jann Spiess
Journal of Econometrics January2025

On Synthetic Difference-in-Differences and Related Estimation Methods in Stata

Damian Clarke, Daniel Pailañir, Susan Athey, Guido W. Imbens
The Stata Journal: Promoting Communications on Statistics and Stata December2024


Mohammad Akbarpour

Mohammad Akbarpour

Claudia Allende Santa Cruz

Claudia Allende Santa Cruz

Assistant Professor
Susan Athey

Susan Athey

Lanier Benkard

Lanier Benkard

Eric Bettinger

Eric Bettinger

Professor (by courtesy)
Nicholas A. Bloom

Nicholas A. Bloom

Professor (by courtesy)
Jeremy I. Bulow

Jeremy I. Bulow

Modibo Khane Camara

Modibo Khane Camara

Assistant Professor
Sebastian Di Tella

Sebastian Di Tella

Associate Professor
Rebecca Diamond

Rebecca Diamond

Alain C. Enthoven

Alain C. Enthoven

Professor Emeritus
Yossi Feinberg

Yossi Feinberg

Robert J. Flanagan

Robert J. Flanagan

Professor Emeritus
Caroline Hoxby

Caroline Hoxby

Professor (by courtesy)
Guido W. Imbens

Guido W. Imbens

Charles I. Jones

Charles I. Jones

David M. Kreps

David M. Kreps

Professor Emeritus
Lihua Lei

Lihua Lei

Assistant Professor
Jonathan Levin

Jonathan Levin

Paul R. Milgrom

Paul R. Milgrom

Professor (by courtesy)
Michael Ostrovsky

Michael Ostrovsky

Paul Oyer

Paul Oyer

Peter C. Reiss

Peter C. Reiss

Professor Emeritus
John Roberts

John Roberts

Professor Emeritus
Garth Saloner

Garth Saloner

Yuliy Sannikov

Yuliy Sannikov

Ilya Segal

Ilya Segal

Professor (by courtesy)
Kathryn Shaw

Kathryn Shaw

Andrzej Skrzypacz

Andrzej Skrzypacz

Paulo Somaini

Paulo Somaini

Associate Professor
A. Michael Spence

A. Michael Spence

Professor and Dean Emeritus
Takuo Sugaya

Takuo Sugaya

Christopher Tonetti

Christopher Tonetti

Associate Professor
Shoshana Vasserman

Shoshana Vasserman

Assistant Professor
Robert Wilson

Robert Wilson

Professor Emeritus
Ali Yurukoglu

Ali Yurukoglu

Weijie Zhong

Weijie Zhong

Assistant Professor


Adi Aron-Gilat

Adi Aron-Gilat

Keith Hennessey

Keith Hennessey

Mike Volpi

Mike Volpi


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