
Kreps Symposium - Teaching Ethics and Responsible Leadership in Business


For 100 years, we’ve been dedicated to the things that haven’t happened yet, and the people who are about to dream them up. Join us in commemorating our Centennial in 2025.

This symposium explores key questions in teaching ethics to business leaders: What do students need to understand about individual decision-making, organizational design, and societal institutions to be able to engage productively with ethical issues and do the right thing?

In-person attendance is by invitation only. Guests can register to view the livestream on Zoom.

David M. Kreps Symposium

A series of symposia on topics of broad interest to the faculty of the Stanford Graduate School of Business created through the generous support of friends and alumni of Stanford GSB, to honor the career of Professor Kreps.


Friday, April 25, 2025

Companies and their leaders continually grapple with ethical questions on which there is profound disagreement. Sometimes, these disagreements are driven by people’s self-interest and self-serving worldviews; but often they are based instead on legitimate differences between the principles and values sincerely held by business leaders who aspire to be ethical themselves, to design organizations in which others behave ethically, and to build companies that have a positive impact on the world.

For business educators, the challenge is how best to train such leaders to help them achieve these goals. This symposium draws on key insights from philosophy, psychology, and political economy to consider the following questions:

  • At an individual level, what is the right thing to do, especially in situations where people have profound ethical disagreements? How can business leaders clarify their values and thinking about the right course of conduct?
  • At an organizational level, how do individual and contextual factors shape people’s ethical (and unethical) behavior? And how can organizations be designed to help people live up to their values?
  • At a societal level, what responsibilities do companies have, whether in setting their own company policies, influencing public policy, or building and supporting institutions for governance?
  • At the university level, what are the best practices to productively engage students with all of these questions, and ensure future business leaders leave with the tools they need to address them?

For insight into these questions, the symposium will feature talks by three leading thinkers: Rebecca Henderson, Adam Galinsky, and Kwame Anthony Appiah.

This event is part of the GSB Centennial.


Friday, April 25, 2025

All time in Pacific Time

12:00pm – 1:15pm Registration Opens & Check-In
1:15pm – 1:20pm Welcome Remarks
Peter DeMarzo, Stanford GSB Interim Dean
1:20pm – 2:10pm Session 1 - Ethics in a World on Fire: Exploring the Private Sector’s Response to Climate Change
Rebecca Henderson, John and Natty McArthur University Professor, Harvard Business School
2:10pm – 2:25pm Break
2:25pm – 3:15pm Session 2 - Inspiring Ethics: Designing More Moral Leaders
Adam Galinsky, Paul Calello Professor of Leadership and Ethics, Columbia Business School
3:15pm – 3:35pm Break
3:35pm – 4:25pm Session 3 - How to Teach Ethics to Ordinary People
Kwame Anthony Appiah, Professor of Philosophy and Law, New York University
4:25pm – 4:45pm Break
4:15pm – 5:35pm Session 4 - Panel Discussion
Panelists Kwame Anthony Appiah, Adam Galinsky, Rebecca Henderson
5:35pm – 5:45pm Closing Remarks
5:45pm – 7:45pm Reception and Dinner - Invite Only


In-person attendance is by invitation only. Please register below to attend virtually and receive the link to the livestream.

Livestream and Recording

The conference will be livestreamed and recorded. After the symposium, we will publish a recording on this webpage when available.

Featured Speakers

John and Natty McArthur University Professor, Harvard Business School
Paul Calello Professor of Leadership and Ethics, Columbia Business School
Professor of Philosophy and Law, New York University

Faculty Organizers

The Edith M. Cornell Professor of Political Economy
The Bowen H. and Janice Arthur McCoy Professor of Ethics, Psychology, and Leadership
The David S. and Ann M. Barlow Professor of Political Economy

2023 Symposium Video Playlist