Hear from Stanford GSB faculty and gain insight into what it’s like to research and teach here. Voices The idea that you could make an impact with mathematics became fascinating to me. Mohsen Bayati The Carl and Marilynn Thoma Professor of Operations, Information & Technology If power is to be used for good, more good people need power. Jeffrey Pfeffer The Thomas D. Dee II Professor of Organizational Behavior I like building things that demonstrate how a class of problems can be solved. Susan Athey The Economics of Technology Professor I’m a lot more confident in the stubbornness of the American voter than other people are. Andy Hall The Davies Family Professor of Political Economy To be able to take my research and my connections to help save lives — that was extremely gratifying. Jennifer Aaker The General Atlantic Professor I had to do a better job of understanding what is wrong with the financial system. Darrell Duffie The Adams Distinguished Professor of Management and Professor of Finance Future generations will judge us as to what type of bold action we do or don’t take today. William P. Barnett The Thomas M. Siebel Professor of Business Leadership, Strategy, and Organizations I’m interested in all things cultural. Michele J. Gelfand The John H. Scully Professor in Cross-Cultural Management and Professor of Organizational Behavior I’ve always been interested in what quantitative methods can teach us about the world. Rebecca Diamond The Class of 1988 Professor of Economics I came to this realization that nothing was going to work in economic development if the government wasn’t functioning. Katherine Casey Professor of Political Economy To me, discovering curiosity and generosity — that’s at the heart of scholarship. Huggy Rao The Atholl McBean Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resources How do we settle this debate? Simple. Look at it mathematically: What is possible to do? Kuang Xu Associate Professor of Operations, Information & Technology Companies talk about their good intentions. I’d much rather have good institutions than good intentions. Ken Shotts The David S. and Ann M. Barlow Professor of Political Economy I believe behavioral science is exactly what we need to make a difference in this world. Szu-chi Huang Associate Professor of Marketing My main hope remains education... This crisis in capitalism and the crisis in democracy are intertwined. Anat Admati The George G.C. Parker Professor of Finance and Economics Crises may be extremely rare, but there is a meaningful difference between extremely rare and impossible. Matteo Maggiori The Moghadam Family Professor of Finance In some ways, all of academia hinges on this receptiveness to having your mind changed. Mohammad Akbarpour Professor of Economics That first step you take out of school ends up having long-term ramifications for where you end up working later in life. Paul Oyer The Mary and Rankine Van Anda Entrepreneurial Professor and Professor of Economics I think marketing in 20 years’ time will look like finance. Everything will be rigorous and analytical. Jonathan B. Berk The A.P. Giannini Professor of Finance