Neil Malhotra

The Edith M. Cornell Professor of Political Economy
Professor of Political Science (by courtesy), School of Humanities and Sciences
Academic Area:
Neil Malhotra


Neil Malhotra is The Edith M. Cornell Professor of Political Economy at Stanford Graduate School of Business. He also holds a courtesy appointment in the Stanford University Department of Political Science. He serves as the Louise and Claude N. Rosenberg, Jr. Director of the Center for Social Innovation at Stanford GSB.

He has authored over 60 articles on numerous topics including American politics, political behavior, and survey methodology. His research has been published in the American Political Science Review, the American Journal of Political Science, the Journal of Politics, Science, and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, among other outlets. He currently serves as an associate editor of Public Opinion Quarterly and the Journal of Experimental Political Science.

He received his MA and PhD in political science from Stanford University, where he was the Melvin & Joan Lane Stanford Graduate Fellow. He received a BA in economics from Yale University.

Administrative Titles

Louise & Claude Rosenberg Jr. Director, Center for Social Innovation

Stanford GSB Affiliations

Academic Degrees

  • PhD in Political Science, Stanford University, 2008
  • MA in Political Science, Stanford University, 2005
  • BA in Economics, summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, Distinction in the Major, Yale University, 2002

Academic Appointments

  • At Stanford University since 2008

Awards and Honors

  • Coulter Family Faculty Fellow, 2023–24
  • Susan Ford Dorsey Faculty Fellow, 2020–21
  • Susan Ford Dorsey Faculty Fellow, 2019–20
  • Susan Ford Dorsey Faculty Fellow, 2016–17
  • Philip F. Maritz Faculty Scholar, Stanford GSB, 2013–14
  • Jewell-Loewenberg Award for the Best Article in Legislative Studies Quarterly, American Political Science Association
  • Invited Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences

Service to the Profession


    • American Political Science Association, 2004-2009

    Professional Experience

    • Visiting Scholar, Russell Sage Foundation

    Journal Articles

    Stephen Jessee, Neil Malhotra, Maya Sen
    Public Opinion Quarterly
    February 2025
    Sandra González-Bailón, David Lazer, Pablo Barberá, William Godel, Hunt Allcott, Taylor Brown, Adriana Crespo-Tenorio, Deen Freelon, Matthew Gentzkow, Andrew M. Guess, Shanto Iyengar, Young Mie Kim, Neil Malhotra, Devra Moehler, Brendan Nyhan, Jennifer Pan, Carlos Velasco Rivera, Jaime Settle, Emily Thorson, Rebekah Tromble, Arjun Wilkins, Magdalena Wojcieszak, Chad Kiewiet de Jonge, Annie Franco, Winter Mason, Natalie Jomini Stroud, Joshua A. Tucker
    Sociological Science
    December 2024 Vol. 11 Pages 1124–1146
    Jake Alton Jares, Neil Malhotra
    American Political Science Review
    August 2024 Pages 1–23
    Hunt Allcott, Winter Mason, Arjun Wilkins, Pablo Barberá, Taylor Brown, Juan Carlos Cisneros, Adriana Crespo-Tenorio, Drew Dimmery, Deen Freelon, Sandra González-Bailón, Andrew M. Guess, Young Mie Kim, David Lazer, Neil Malhotra, Devra Moehler, Sameer Nair-Desai, Houda Nait El Barj, Brendan Nyhan, Ana Carolina Paixao de Queiroz, Jennifer Pan, Jaime Settle, Emily Thorson, Rebekah Tromble, Carlos Velasco Rivera, Benjamin Wittenbrink, Magdalena Wojcieszak, Saam Zahedian, Annie Franco, Chad Kiewiet de Jonge, Natalie Jomini Stroud, Joshua A. Tucker
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
    May 2024 Vol. 121 Issue 21
    Chelsey S. Clark, Elizabeth Levy Paluck, Sean J. Westwood, Maya Sen, Neil Malhotra, Stephen Jessee
    Nature Human Behaviour
    November 2023
    Sandra González-Bailón, David Lazer, Pablo Barberá, Meiqing Zhang, Hunt Allcott, Taylor Brown, Adriana Crespo-Tenorio, Deen Freelon, Andrew M. Guess, Shanto Iyengar, Young Mie Kim, Neil Malhotra, Devra Moehler, Brendan Nyhan, Jennifer Pan, Carlos Velasco Rivera, Jaime Settle, Emily Thorson, Rebekah Tromble, Arjun Wilkins, Magdalena Wojcieszak, Chad Kiewiet de Jonge, Annie Franco, Winter Mason, Natalie Jomini Stroud, Joshua A. Tucker
    July 2023 Vol. 381 Issue 6656 Pages 392–398
    Andrew M. Guess, Neil Malhotra, Jennifer Pan, Pablo Barberá, Hunt Allcott, Taylor Brown, Adriana Crespo-Tenorio, Drew Dimmery, Deen Freelon, Sandra González-Bailón, Edward Kennedy, Young Mie Kim, David Lazer, Devra Moehler, Brendan Nyhan, Carlos Velasco Rivera, Jaime Settle, Daniel Robert Thomas, Emily Thorson, Rebekah Tromble, Arjun Wilkins, Magdalena Wojcieszak, Beixian Xiong, Chad Kiewiet de Jonge, Annie Franco, Winter Mason, Natalie Jomini Stroud, Joshua A. Tucker
    July 2023 Vol. 381 Issue 6656 Pages 398–404
    Brendan Nyhan, Jaime Settle, Emily Thorson, Magdalena Wojcieszak, Pablo Barberá, Annie Y. Chen, Hunt Allcott, Taylor Brown, Adriana Crespo-Tenorio, Drew Dimmery, Deen Freelon, Sandra González-Bailón, Andrew M. Guess, Edward Kennedy, Young Mie Kim, David Lazer, Neil Malhotra, Devra Moehler, Jennifer Pan, Daniel Robert Thomas, Rebekah Tromble, Carlos Velasco Rivera, Arjun Wilkins, Beixian Xiong, Chad Kiewiet de Jonge, Annie Franco, Winter Mason, Natalie Jomini Stroud, Joshua A. Tucker
    July 2023 Vol. 620 Pages 137–144
    Andrew M. Guess, Neil Malhotra, Jennifer Pan, Pablo Barberá, Hunt Allcott, Taylor Brown, Adriana Crespo-Tenorio, Drew Dimmery, Deen Freelon, Sandra González-Bailón, Edward Kennedy, Young Mie Kim, David Lazer, Devra Moehler, Brendan Nyhan, Carlos Velasco Rivera, Jaime Settle, Daniel Robert Thomas, Emily Thorson, Rebekah Tromble, Arjun Wilkins, Magdalena Wojcieszak, Beixian Xiong, Chad Kiewiet de Jonge, Annie Franco, Winter Mason, Natalie Jomini Stroud, Joshua A. Tucker
    July 2023 Vol. 381 Issue 6656 Pages 404–408
    Matthew H. Graham, Gregory A. Huber, Neil Malhotra, Cecilia Hyunjung Mo
    The Journal of Politics
    January 2023 Vol. 85 Issue 1
    Matthew H. Graham, Gregory A. Huber, Neil Malhotra, Cecilia Hyunjung Mo
    The Journal of Politics
    January 2023 Vol. 85 Issue 1
    Stephen Jessee, Neil Malhotra, Maya Sen
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
    June 14, 2022 Vol. 119 Issue 24
    Sarah F. Anzia, Jake Alton Jares, Neil Malhotra
    American Political Science Review
    April 19, 2022
    Gabor Simonovits, Neil Malhotra, Raymond Ye Lee, Andrew Healy
    Political Behavior
    June 2021 Vol. 43 Issue 2 Pages 737–750
    David Broockman, Neil Malhotra
    Public Opinion Quarterly
    April 2020 Vol. 84 Issue 1 Pages 104–118
    Gregg Sparkman, Elizabeth Weitz, Thomas N. Robinson, Neil Malhotra, Gregory M. Walton
    March 2020 Vol. 12 Issue 6 Pages 2453
    Steven Liao, Neil Malhotra, Benjamin J. Newman
    Nature of Human Behavior
    February 2020
    Christian Fong, Neil Malhotra, Yotam Margalit
    Political Science & Politics
    July 2019 Vol. 52 Issue 3 Pages 451-456
    Shanto Iyengar, Yphtach Lelkes, Matthew Levendusky, Neil Malhotra, Sean J. Westwood
    Annual Review of Political Science
    May 2019 Vol. 22 Pages 129–146
    Neil Malhotra, Benoît Monin, Michael Tomz
    American Political Science Review
    February 2019 Vol. 113 Issue 1 Pages 19–37
    Benjamin J. Newman, Neil Malhotra
    The Journal of Politics
    January 2019 Vol. 81 Issue 1
    David Broockman, Gregory Ferenstein, Neil Malhotra
    American Journal of Political Science
    January 2019 Vol. 63 Issue 1 Pages 212–233
    Christopher McConnell, Yotam Margalit, Neil Malhotra, Matthew Levendusky
    American Journal of Political Science
    January 2018 Vol. 62 Issue 1 Pages 5-18
    Jon A. Krosnick, Neil Malhotra, Cecilia Hyunjung Mo, Eduardo F. Bruera, LinChiat Chang, Josh Pasek, Randall K. Thomas
    PLoS ONE
    August 14, 2017 Vol. 12 Issue 8
    Neil Malhotra, Christopher McConnell, Yotam Margalit, Matthew Levendusky
    Harvard Business Review
    May 19, 2017 Pages 2-4
    Neil Malhotra, Gregory Huber
    The Journal of Politics
    January 2017 Vol. 79 Issue 1 Pages 269-283
    Neil Malhotra, Alexander Kuo, Cecilia Hyunjung Mo
    The Journal of Politics
    January 2017 Vol. 79 Issue 1 Pages 17-32
    C. Christine Fair, Patrick M. Kuhn, Neil Malhotra, Jacob N. Shapiro
    Quarterly Journal of Political Science
    2017 Vol. 12 Issue 1 Pages 99-141
    Neil Malhotra, Matthew S. Levendusky
    Public Opinion Quarterly
    April 29, 2016 Vol. 80 Pages 378-391
    Matthew Levendusky, Neil Malhotra
    Political Communication
    July 27, 2015 Vol. 33 Issue 2
    Neil Malhotra, Yotam Margalit
    Journal of Politics
    October 2014 Vol. 76 Issue 4 Pages 1000–1016
    Christian R. Grose, Neil Malhotra, Robert Parks Van Houweling
    American Journal of Political Science
    September 2014 Vol. 00 Issue 0 Pages 1 – 20
    Neil Malhotra
    American Journal of Political Science
    Neil Malhotra
    American Journal of Political Science
    Andrew Healy, Neil Malhotra
    American Political Science Review
    July 2009 Vol. 103 Issue 3 Pages 387-406
    Neil Malhotra, Alexander G. Kuo
    The Journal of Politics
    2008 Vol. 70 Issue 1 Pages 120-135
    Jowei Chen, Neil Malhotra
    American Political Science Review
    2007 Vol. 101 Issue 4 Pages 657-676

    Other Publications

    Neil Malhotra
    Legislative Studies Quarterly
    August 2022 Vol. 47 Issue 3 Pages 727–740
    Bernadette Clavier, Neil Malhotra
    Stanford Social Innovation Review
    November 1, 2017


    Neil Malhotra, Ken Shotts
    Cambridge University Press

    Executive Education & Other Non-Degree Programs

    Anticipate and develop strategies to address critical beyond-market forces, from legislation and regulation to activism and the media.
    Learn how to grow and scale your company in this 10-month program ​for CEOs and founders of established businesses in Africa, Indonesia, and South Asia.
    Elevate your leadership with Stanford LEAD, our flagship online program. Gain the skills and mindset to thrive in today’s complex world.


    Ken Shotts, Neil Malhotra, Sheila Melvin
    Ken Shotts, Neil Malhotra, Sheila Melvin

    In the Media

    Insights by Stanford Business

    December 05, 2023
    New ideas never go out of season.
    December 04, 2023
    Surveys find that reversing Roe v. Wade did not shift Americans’ beliefs — but did change views of the high court’s legitimacy.
    September 14, 2023
    Recent studies find that tweaking the site’s feeds did not change users’ political attitudes during the 2020 election.
    January 23, 2023
    Past fights over the borrowing limit didn’t spark a financial crisis. This time could be different, according to two experts.
    December 12, 2022
    A sampling of the big ideas and timely research produced by Stanford GSB faculty this year.
    November 02, 2022
    Practical advice for avoiding divisiveness and working with people with different views.
    October 19, 2022
    Stanford GSB faculty and alumni discuss ways citizens, leaders, and organizations can begin to bridge the political gap. (Part 3)
    July 07, 2022
    The latest books from Stanford GSB faculty and lecturers.
    June 14, 2022
    A new study tracks the high court’s rapid move away from the middle.
    June 02, 2022
    Millions receive agricultural subsidies, but benefits don’t sway attitudes about government.
    April 19, 2022
    Navigating the line between opportunity and uncertainty in the ESG boom
    March 14, 2022
    On this podcast episode, we discuss the keys to making ethical decisions in your professional and personal life.
    December 15, 2021
    Five lessons in five minutes from Stanford GSB professors and lecturers.
    December 15, 2021
    Five lessons in five minutes: Professors Neil Malhotra and Ken Shotts show how to create a culture of value-driven behavior inside organizations.
    October 19, 2021
    With millions of lives at stake, should drug makers be forced to share their IP?
    February 02, 2021
    There are risks to the bottom line when a firm’s shadowy political donations run counter to its image of social responsibility.
    November 19, 2020
    We’ve gathered together the most memorable articles, interviews, podcasts, and videos from a year of world-changing events.
    October 21, 2020
    Stanford researchers measure the depth of our partisan divide — and suggest some ways to bridge it.
    October 21, 2020
    Stanford researchers study the various tactics that politicians use to get voters on their side, from “moral reframing” to two-faced deception.
    October 14, 2020
    Big-money donors, both Democrat and Republican, not only have more political influence than the average voter, they also have more extreme beliefs.
    August 13, 2020
    Stanford researchers use the concept of “dynamic norms” to persuade diners to eat less meat.
    June 10, 2020
    Tech industry millionaires are moving the Democratic Party to the left on almost every issue except government regulation. Unions beware.
    March 31, 2020
    Communities look more favorably on immigrants when investments help boost the local economy.
    December 09, 2019
    Hear career advice from Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella or learn how to build your startup team.
    December 06, 2019
    Communication mistakes, job-stealing robots, and career-gap explanations captured reader attention this year.
    September 13, 2019
    They’re an influential group that’s hard to pin down politically — until now. Meet the Liberaltarians.
    April 24, 2019
    Companies that try to fix problems on their own may sidestep more onerous regulations in the future.
    January 11, 2019
    Stanford political scientists explain why populist messages emerged in contemporary politics and how they spurred larger political movements.
    December 03, 2018
    Seven Stanford business professors recommend their favorite books.
    October 18, 2018
    Good intentions and gut instinct won’t take you far enough, say two Stanford GSB professors.
    May 07, 2018
    A Stanford study hints at the broad consequences of political polarization.
    December 05, 2017
    15 Stanford business professors recommend books for those long winter nights.
    August 23, 2017
    A Stanford study finds that people understand smoking can lead to deadly diseases like lung cancer, but many underestimate those risks.
    March 08, 2016
    Digital tools bring privacy challenges to social enterprises.
    February 08, 2016
    Four Stanford GSB professors show how our elected officials win over voters.
    December 19, 2015
    Explore Stanford Business stories from 2015, including pieces on technology, finance, and work-life balance.
    November 02, 2015
    Immigrant resentment has built among Americans who feel left behind.
    August 13, 2015
    How do you code ethics into autonomous automobiles? And who is responsible when things go awry?
    March 31, 2015
    A Stanford professor of political economy dissects an elemental political instinct.
    March 17, 2015
    A political economist looks at the relationship between public opinion and the high court.
    September 08, 2014
    A study shows that political identity often trumps a voter’s desire for compromise.
    April 07, 2014
    New research shows that when it comes to dating and marriage, race still matters.
    September 30, 2013
    A new study explores the evidence behind the idea that people oppose immigration because they fear losing their job.
    July 23, 2013
    Research suggests that childhood inexperience with household chores may help shape political views.
    February 13, 2013
    New research reveals that political affiliation rivals education level as one of the most important factors in identifying a potential mate.
    October 30, 2012
    Research shows that President Obama may get a bump in the polls from Hurricane Sandy.
    October 30, 2012
    New research says polling data helps voters get the information they need to make decisions.
    February 16, 2012
    A study of the film industry examines discrepancies between estimated and actual box office performance.
    July 01, 2010
    Research shows how voting decisions can be influenced by otherwise irrelevant events, such as football scores.
    February 01, 2009
    A study explores how peoples' backgrounds influence their opinions of the president's plan to boost the economy.

    School News

    November 14, 2024
    Social innovation startups are only part of a legacy of positive change
    October 07, 2024
    In a moment of polarization and protest, Stanford GSB is working to ensure open discussion and respectful disagreement.
    June 10, 2024
    Stanford GSB hosts a wide-ranging forum on responsible leadership in a polarized world.
    June 07, 2024
    Stanford Impact Founder Fellows reflect on social and environmental ventures
    May 09, 2024
    Award will fund continuing research on political polarization
    February 08, 2024
    Insights and Bites offers evening sessions with an informal vibe
    June 06, 2023
    Stanford Impact Founder prizes honor efforts to address environmental and social issues.
    November 09, 2016
    Rajan Patel and Ronnie Washington have been named 2016 Social Innovation Fellows, joining a select group of emerging social entrepreneurs who have received grants since 2009.