HubSpot in 2025: Inspiring SMBs from the Internet Age to the AI Era
| Case No.
| Length
23 pgs.
HubSpot is a Tech company that provides software applications in Marketing, Sales and Support in addition to a CRM platform to small and mediums size (SMB) companies. The case describes the early days of HubSpot and provides a view into the strategies used by the founders to drive growth within the SMB segment. The company created the Inbound Marketing category and successfully used web2.0 technology to grow its customer base. The COVID years helped accelerate the company’s growth as SMBs aggressively adopted the digital platform and now with the advent of AI tools, HubSpot is again helping SMBs grow and compete in an increasingly digital world.
Learning Objective
The HubSpot case has numerous critical learnings on the strategies the company leadership used to establish itself as one of the leaders in the Software-as-a-Service industry. The company has become well known for adopting counter-intuitive strategies and instituting a strong culture to differentiate itself from its competitors.
This material is available for download by current Stanford GSB students, faculty, and staff, as well as Stanford GSB alumni. For inquires, contact the
Case Writing Office.