Marquette And Bucknell Wrestling Programs: Were They Pinned By Title IX?
| Case No.
In June 2001, the men’s wrestling program at Marquette University was terminated, despite the fact that the program had been operating for several years with privately-raised funding. Bucknell University discontinued its wresting program the same year. An important factor in the termination of these programs was Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which required that “no person…on the basis of sex…be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” Title IX was primarily intended to help women overcome discrimination in academic programs, but it also applied to athletics. Marquette and Bucknell sued the U.S. Department of Education to eliminate what they viewed as the unintended consequences of Title IX implementation in reducing opportunities for men. The case describes Title IX, its implementation, and controversial issues faced by institutions attempting to meet the objectives of the law.
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