Through 25 years of teaching Stanford University’s famed Personal Creativity in Business course, Michael Ray discovered that people who move beyond ordinary success and achievement have a secret: They live for a “highest goal” that drives them to accomplish their dreams, find fulfillment, and become generative leaders. Here Ray shares that secret, offering a distinctive set of “live-withs” or credos that empower readers to live in a way that supports their highest goals. The topics addressed include experiencing synergy in every moment, going beyond passion and success, finding true prosperity, and relating from the heart.
Selected Editorial Reviews
This might be the most important book you ever read. Michael Ray's 'Creativity in Business' class was the most influential course I took as an MBA student at the Stanford Graduate School of Business (or anywhere else for that matter). The life-changing insight I drew from his class was that my own inner Voice of Judgment (VOJ) is the only obstacle to my becoming the person I am meant to be by doing the work I am meant to do ... The Highest Goal shows how these simple yet sophisticated live-withs can help you find and pursue the highest goal that gives your life an overarching sense of purpose and meaning. Some of what he has to say will surprise you - such as the advice to move beyond passion and success. Some of it will challenge you — such as the counterintuitive notion that the path to True Prosperity can start by living with 'Do Only What You Love, Love Everything You Do.'
Joe Tye, MBA '85