Working Papers

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SSRN Research Paper Series

The Social Science Research Network’s Research Paper Series includes working papers produced by Stanford GSB the Rock Center.

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Targeting, Personalization, and Engagement in an Agricultural Advisory Service

Susan Athey, Shawn Allen Cole, Shanjukta Nath, S. Jessica Zhu

ICT is increasingly used to deliver customized information in developing countries. We examine whether individually targeting the timing of automated voice calls meaningfully increases engagement in an agricultural advisory service. We define,…

Decomposing Changes in the Gender Wage Gap over Worker Careers

Keyon Vafa, Susan Athey, David M. Blei

A large literature in labor economics seeks to decompose observed gender wage gaps (GWGs) into different sources, including portions explained by cross-gender differences in education, occupation, and experience. This paper provides new methods…

The Heterogeneous Earnings Impact of Job Loss Across Workers, Establishments, and Markets

Susan Athey, Lisa K. Simon, Oskar N. Skans, Johan Vikstrom, Yaroslav Yakymovych

Using generalized random forests and rich Swedish administrative data, we show that the earnings effects of job displacement due to establishment closures are extremely heterogeneous across workers, establishments, and markets. The decile of…

Torch-Choice: A PyTorch Package for Large-Scale Choice Modelling with Python

Tianyu Du, Ayush Kanodia, Susan Athey

The torch-choice is an open-source library for flexible, fast choice modeling with Python and PyTorch. torch-choice provides a ChoiceDataset data structure to manage databases flexibly and memory-efficiently. The paper demonstrates constructing a…

Online Appendix for Scaling Auctions as Insurance: A Case Study in Infrastructure Procurement

Shoshana Vasserman

Online Appendix for Scaling Auctions as Insurance: A Case Study in Infrastructure Procurement

Flexible and Efficient Contextual Bandits with Heterogeneous Treatment Effect Oracles

Aldo Gael Carranza, Sanath Kumar Krishnamurthy, Susan Athey

Contextual bandit algorithms often estimate reward models to inform decision-making. However, true rewards can contain action-independent redundancies that are not relevant for decision-making. We show it is more data-efficient to estimate any…

Battling the Coronavirus Infodemic Among Social Media Users in Africa

Molly Offer-Westort, Leah R. Rosenzweig, Susan Athey

During a global pandemic, how can we best prompt social media users to demonstrate discernment in sharing information online? We ran a contextual adaptive experiment on Facebook Messenger with users in Kenya and Nigeria and tested 40 combinations…

Personalized Recommendations in EdTech: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial

Keshav Agrawal, Susan Athey, Ayush Kanodia, Emil Palikot

We study the impact of personalized content recommendations on the usage of an educational app for children. In a randomized controlled trial, we show that the introduction of personalized recommendations increases the consumption of content in…

The Contribution of High-Skilled Immigrants to Innovation in the United States

Shai Bernstein, Rebecca Diamond, Abhisit Jiranaphawiboon, Timothy James McQuade, Beatriz Pousada

We characterize the contribution of immigrants to U.S. innovation, both through their direct productivity as well as through their indirect spillover effects on their native collaborators. To do so, we link patent records to a database containing…

Effective and Scalable Programs to Facilitate Labor Market Transitions for Women in Technology

Susan Athey, Emil Palikot

We describe the design, implementation, and evaluation of a low-cost and scalable program that supports women in Poland in transitioning into jobs in the information technology sector. This program, called “Challenges,” helps…

Contextual Bandits in a Survey Experiment on Charitable Giving: Within-Experiment Outcomes versus Policy Learning

Susan Athey, Undral Byambadalai, Vitor Hadad, Sanath Kumar Krishnamurthy, Weiwen Leung, Joseph Jay Williams

We design and implement an adaptive experiment (a “contextual bandit”) to learn a targeted treatment assignment policy, where the goal is to use a participant’s survey responses to determine which charity to expose them to in a donation…

Emotion- Versus Reasoning-Based Drivers of Misinformation Sharing: A Field Experiment Using Text Message Courses in Kenya

Susan Athey, Matias Cersosimo, Kristine Koutout, Zelin Li

Two leading hypotheses for why individuals unintentionally share misinformation are that 1) they are unable to recognize that a post contains misinformation, and 2) they make impulsive, emotional sharing decisions without thinking about whether a…

Policy Learning with Adaptively Collected Data

Ruohan Zhan, Zhimei Ren, Susan Athey, Zhengyuan Zhou

Learning optimal policies from historical data enables the gains from personalization to be realized in a wide variety of applications. The growing policy learning literature focuses on a setting where the treatment assignment policy does not…

Smiles in Profiles: Improving Fairness and Efficiency Using Estimates of User Preferences in Online Marketplaces

Susan Athey, Dean Karlan, Emil Palikot, Yuan Yuan

Online platforms often face challenges being both fair (i.e., non-discriminatory) and efficient (i.e., maximizing revenue). Using computer vision algorithms and observational data from a microlending marketplace, we find that choices made by…

CAREER: Transfer Learning for Economic Prediction of Labor Sequence Data

Keyon Vafa, Emil Palikot, Tianyu Du, Ayush Kanodia, Susan Athey, David M. Blei

Labor economists regularly analyze employment data by fitting predictive models to small, carefully constructed longitudinal survey datasets. Although modern machine learning methods offer promise for such problems, these survey datasets are too…

Pure-Strategy Equilibrium in the Generalized First-Price Auction

Michael Ostrovsky, Andrzej Skrzypacz

We revisit the classic result on the (non-)existence of pure-strategy Nash equilibria in the Generalized First-Price Auction for sponsored search advertising and show that the conclusion may be reversed when ads are ranked based on the product of…

Strategic Foundations of Rational Expectations

Paulo Barelli, Srihari Govindan, Robert Wilson

We study an economy with traders whose payoffs are quasilinear and their private signals are informative about an unobserved state parameter. The limit economy has infinitely many traders partitioned into a finite set of symmetry classes called…

Engagement Maximization

Benjamin HĂ©bert, Weijie Zhong

We consider the problem of a rational, Bayesian agent receiving signals over time for the purpose of taking an action. The agent chooses when to stop and take an action based on her current beliefs, and prefers (all else equal) to act sooner…

BONuS: Multiple Multivariate Testing with a Data-Adaptive Test Statistic

Chiao-Yu Yang, Lihua Lei, Nhat Ho, William Fithian

We propose a new adaptive empirical Bayes framework, the Bag-Of-Null-Statistics (BONuS) procedure, for multiple testing where each hypothesis testing problem is itself multivariate or nonparametric. BONuS is an adaptive and interactive knockoff-…

Capital Investment and Labor Demand

E. Mark Curtis, Daniel G. Garrett, Eric C. Ohrn, Kevin A. Roberts, Juan Carlos Suárez Serrato

We study how tax policies that lower the cost of capital impact investment and labor demand. Difference-in-differences estimates using confidential Census Data on manufacturing establishments show that tax policies increased both investment and…