Working Papers

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SSRN Research Paper Series

The Social Science Research Network’s Research Paper Series includes working papers produced by Stanford GSB the Rock Center.

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The Race Between Tax Enforcement and Tax Planning: Evidence From a Natural Experiment in Chile

Sebastián Bustos, Dina Pomeranz, Juan Carlos Suárez Serrato, José Vila-Belda, Gabriel Zucman

Profit shifting by multinational corporations is thought to reduce tax revenue around the world. We analyze the introduction of standard regulations aimed at limiting profit shifting. Using administrative tax and customs data from Chile in…

Taxing Property in Developing Countries: Theory and Evidence from Mexico

Anne Brockmeyer, Alejandro Estefan, Karina Ramírez Arras, Juan Carlos Suárez Serrato

The property tax is the most under-utilized tax in developing countries. We evaluate the revenue and welfare effects of the main policy instruments used to raise property tax revenue: tax rate changes and enforcement. Using administrative data…

Testing for Outliers with Conformal p-values

Stephen Bates, Emmanuel Candès, Lihua Lei, Yaniv Romano, Matteo Sesia

This paper studies the construction of p-values for nonparametric outlier detection, taking a multiple-testing perspective. The goal is to test whether new independent samples belong to the same distribution as a reference data set or are…

Bargaining and International Reference Pricing in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Pierre Dubois, Ashvin Gandhi, Shoshana Vasserman

The United States spends twice as much per person on pharmaceuticals as European countries, in large part because prices are much higher in the US. This fact has led policymakers to consider legislation for price controls. This paper assesses the…

Conformalized Survival Analysis

Emmanuel Candès, Lihua Lei, Zhimei Ren

Existing survival analysis techniques heavily rely on strong modelling assumptions and are, therefore, prone to model misspecification errors. In this paper, we develop an inferential method based on ideas from conformal prediction, which can…

Voluntary Disclosure and Personalized Pricing

S. Nageeb Ali, Greg Lewis, Shoshana Vasserman

Firms have ever increasing access to consumer data, which they use to personalize their advertising and to price discriminate. This raises privacy concerns. Policymakers have argued in response that consumers should be given control over their…

Robust Bounds for Welfare Analysis

Zi Yang Kang, Shoshana Vasserman

Economists routinely make functional form assumptions about consumer demand to obtain welfare estimates — often for convenience, tractability, or both. How sensitive are welfare estimates to these assumptions? In this paper, we answer this…

Where is Standard of Living the Highest? Local Prices and the Geography of Consumption

Rebecca Diamond, Enrico Moretti

Income differences across US cities are well documented, but little is known about the level of standard of living in each city — defined as the amount of market-based consumption that residents are able to afford. In this paper we provide…

Computationally Tractable Choice

Modibo Khane Camara

I incorporate computational constraints into decision theory in order to capture how cognitive limitations affect behavior. I impose an axiom of computational tractability that only rules out behaviors that are thought to be fundamentally hard. I…

Consistency of Spectral Clustering on Hierarchical Stochastic Block Models

Lihua Lei, Xiaodong Li, Xingmei Lou

We study the hierarchy of communities in real-world networks under a generic stochastic block model, in which the connection probabilities are structured in a binary tree. Under such model, a standard recursive bi-partitioning algorithm is…

Estimating Experienced Racial Segregation in U.S. Cities Using Large-Scale GPS Data

Susan Athey, Billy Ferguson, Matthew Gentzkow, Tobias Schmidt

We estimate a measure of segregation, experienced isolation, that captures individuals’ exposure to diverse others in the places they visit over the course of their days. Using Global Positioning System (GPS) data collected from smartphones, we…

Mechanism Design with a Common Dataset

Modibo Khane Camara

I propose a new approach to mechanism design: rather than assume a common prior belief, assume access to a common dataset. I restrict attention to incomplete information games where a designer commits to a policy and a single agent responds. I…

Semiparametric Estimation of Treatment Effects in Randomized Experiments

Susan Athey, Peter J. Bickel, Aiyou Chen, Guido W. Imbens, Michael Pollmann

We develop new semiparametric methods for estimating treatment effects. We focus on a setting where the outcome distributions may be thick tailed, where treatment effects are small, where sample sizes are large and where assignment is completely…

Price Regulation in Credit Markets: A Trade-off between Consumer Protection and Credit Access

José Ignacio Cuesta, Alberto Sepúlveda

Interest rate caps are widespread in consumer credit markets, yet there is limited evidence on their effects on market outcomes and welfare. The effects of this policy are ambiguous and depend on a trade-off between consumer protection from bank…

Shared Decision-Making: Can Improved Counseling Increase Willingness to Pay for Modern Contraceptives?

Susan Athey, Katy Bergstrom, Vitor Hadad, Julian C. Jamison, Berk Ă–zler, Luca Parisotto, Julius Dohbit Sama

Long-acting reversible contraceptives are highly effective in preventing unintended pregnancies, but take-up remains low. This paper analyzes a randomized controlled trial of interventions addressing two barriers to long-acting reversible…

Empirical Models of Non-Transferable Utility Matching

Nikhil Agarwal , Paulo Somaini

Empirical models play a distinctive role in the study of matching markets. They provide a quantitative framework for measuring heterogeneity in preferences for schools (Hastings et al., 2009), comparing school assignment mechanisms (…

Federated Causal Inference in Heterogeneous Observational Data

Ruoxuan Xiong, Allison Koenecke, Michael Powell, Zhu Shen, Joshua T. Vogelstein, Susan Athey

Analyzing observational data from multiple sources can be useful for increasing statistical power to detect a treatment effect; however, practical constraints such as privacy considerations may restrict individual-level information sharing across…

Misdiagnosing Bank Capital Problems

Jeremy I. Bulow, Paul Klemperer

Banks’ reluctance to repair their balance sheets, combined with deposit insurance and regulatory forbearance in recognizing greater risks and losses, can lead to solvency problems that look like liquidity (bank-run) crises. Regulatory forbearance…

Buying Data from Consumers

Yizhou Jin, Shoshana Vasserman

New technologies have enabled firms to elicit granular behavioral data from consumers in exchange for lower prices and better experiences. This data can mitigate asymmetric information and moral hazard, but it may also increase firms’ market…

Distribution-Free Assessment of Population Overlap in Observational Studies

Lihua Lei, Alexander D’Amour, Peng Ding, Avi Feller, Jasjeet Sekhon

Overlap in baseline covariates between treated and control groups, also known as positivity or common support, is a common assumption in observational causal inference. Assessing this assumption is often ad hoc, however, and can give misleading…