Hanna Schumacher
MBA 2017
- Hometown: Essen, Germany
- Pre-MBA: Management consulting
Hanna Schumacher
Post Graduation Goals:
Leading global change in the energy and natural resources sector
Favorite GSB Memory So Far:
My Global Study Trip to Mongolia - and especially celebrating my birthday there with 30 amazing classmates!
Early morning run with two classmates. What a refreshing way to start the week!
First class: Marketing Management. Several teams presented their group project. Very interesting to see how different groups came up with different solutions to the challenge.
Met with my Career Management Advisor Rebecca on ways to move forward for my summer internship. Great help from the Career Management Center as always.
Second class: Modeling for Investment Management, my favorite class with Professor Grenadier and Professor Watson. We had an impressive guest speaker and alum on style analysis of fund managers.
Checked in with Academic Operations on my spring course selections. There is just so much to choose from. Touchy-Feely (aka Interpersonal Dynamics) is at the top of my list for spring.
Quick lunch break in sunny Town Square while I prepare for my afternoon class.
Meeting Val, a second-year MBA, to discuss my experience as a customer in the pilot phase of her team’s business idea from Startup Garage.
Third class: Accelerated Finance. Last class before the midterm and we discussed enterprise valuation and cost of capital.
Brief meeting with JD Schramm from the Mastery in Communication Initiative on my LOWkeynotes application. Did not make it this year but know now what to change for next year.
Groceries with Hannah as we need to prepare for the Small Group Dinner we are hosting tonight.
Meeting with Sebastian on our Impact Lab Non-Profit Board Governance Project. We finalized the presentation for the Board Meeting in San Francisco on Saturday. The Impact Lab is a great opportunity for me to get to know more about the non-profit sector.
Small Group Dinner with fellow classmates in one of Schwab’s common rooms - great wine, great food, great conversations.
Getting back to my room in Schwab. Catching up on all emails and reading for tomorrow’s classes. It has been a long day.
Breakfast and email catch-up.
Heading over to the horses that I exercise three times per week. What a rainy morning!
First set of horses done. Walking in the rain. El Niño has been really strong this year.
Second set done. The rain stopped and the sun is coming out.
Brief study break for the Data & Decisions midterm at Schwab before heading over to the GSB.
Research focus group with fellow MBA1s and MBA2s. Always exciting to discuss future business ideas and implications.
First class today: Data & Decisions. Brief recap of material for midterm and introduction to hypothesis testing.
Second class today: Economics of Organizations. My and one other group present their findings on contrasting organizational forms. Really interesting presentation as fellow classmates bring in their experiences.
Continued to study for the Data & Decisions midterm in the Bass Library. Slowly getting the hang of it.
Brief check-in with my Career Team over pizza. Exciting to hear my classmates' stories on their plans for summer. I shared that I had a great meeting with the Career Management Center the day before.
Headed over to Y2E2 in the engineering quad for my first all-hands meeting of the Stanford Energy Club. I was selected as an officer of the events team last week. Great to meet so many like-minded energy enthusiasts from other graduate schools.
Back in Schwab for another Data & Decisions study session.
One thing I look forward to every Tuesday is my regular Skype call with my two year old godson back in Germany. Today he told me about his new toy Noah’s Ark and all the animals in it.
Bedtime. Enough Data and Decisions for the day.
Breakfast and last time reviewing Finance problems before the midterm.
Midterm in Accelerated Finance: Three hours about bonds, stocks, investment decisions, CAPM, NWC, FCF, DCF, DDM, NPV...
Squash with John right after the midterm. Getting better, but he still wins.
Weekly meeting with the events team of the Stanford Energy Club. We are planning a networking night next week. I take over to organize the small group dinners within the Energy Club.
Meeting up with a few classmates to enjoy the sun and watch the Stanford Women’s Tennis team win against St. Mary’s.
Back to Schwab to catch up on a few things that were left behind during midterm preparation.
Awesome dinner and conversations with my classmates. We tried an amazing new restaurant and enjoyed great food and great wine.
Meeting many more classmates at Old Pro to celebrate that midterms are over.
Back to Schwab to get a few hours sleep before the Impact Lab board meeting in San Francisco. Really excited to present our findings on the project.