Nadou S. Lawson

Nadou S. Lawson
MBA 2016
  • Home Town: LomĂ©, Togo & DeKalb, IL
  • Pre-MBA: Corporate finance at Kimberly-Clark and Google

Nadou S. Lawson

Post Graduation Goals:

Consumer products in Africa

Highlight of My Week:

The GSB Show. I was blown away by the talent of my fellow GSBers. The original plot, songs, and dances were hilarious!

Woke up an hour early. I am part of a team hoping to lead a global study trip to Ghana and Togo next Spring. The proposals are due at 9am and I needed to do some last minute finishing touches before going to class. I hope we get approved!
Path to Knight Management Center from Schwab Residence
Showered, got dressed, made some tea, and then sprint-walked to class so that I am not late. Luckily, it is a very short 3-5 minute walk from East Schwab to the C-building.
Learned about various product and process design concepts through a case study of Lucent Technologies in Advanced Global Operations (OIT 364) with Prof. Hau Lee.
Got to this class 5 minutes early as usual, because it is my favorite of the quarter: Incentives and Productivity (HRMGT 302) with Prof. Edward Lazear. Today we discussed the economics behind piece rate systems through a case study of Safelite AutoGlass.
Student Association Senate meeting
Went to the weekly MBA Student Association (SA) Senate meeting. I will be one of the co-COOs for the 2015-2016 school year. It’s exciting to be kicking off an ambitious agenda with all the other SA leaders.
Cleaned up my email inboxes while sitting outside Coupa and eating a late lunch.
Took a long nap since I stayed up late Sunday night. I usually like to tackle some of the week’s homework in the afternoon since I only have my two morning classes on Mondays, but I am tired today.
Met with Jamie from the MBA Program office about Week Zero for the MBA Class of 2017. I have been helping with some of the planning through my role on the SA Academic Committee.
Cooked for the small group dinner I am co-hosting. I made the grilled tilapia, asparagus, and salad. Ariana, my co-host, made the herb-flavored rice and apple crisp dessert (to be served with ice cream, of course).
Small group dinner at Schwab
Converted Ariana’s desk to a dinner table in her Schwab room. The Small Group Dinner was a success - lots of fun, delicious food, and engaging conversation. I can’t wait until the next one!
TALK at the GSB
Got my seat early at TALK in the MBA Lounge. I have only missed one TALK night and I plan to never miss another. It is an incredible experience to hear about the many journeys my classmates have been on to arrive at the GSB. Each week, I leave with a warm heart and a lesson or two to consider for my own life.
Off to bed. I can never do any work after TALK.
Working on my computer
Woke up early to finish preparing for classes.
Ran a couple errands in Palo Alto before class.
Had Managerial Accounting (ACC 317) with Prof. David Larcker. We discussed the labor market for executive officers and the complications of hiring and terminating them.
Lunch with friends in Town Square
Had lunch in Town Square with Phuong, Priyanka, and Nawal.
Participated in a student-initiated communications skills workshop on visual presence. I am normally comfortable with public speaking, but I got really nervous during the room entrance and presentation kick-off exercise. It’s a great reminder that there is always more room to grow in regards to communication. These workshops were the idea of a classmate, Christine. Other topics being covered this quarter include storytelling, pitching, and impromptu speaking.
Check-in with Holly
Did a quick weekly SA COO check-in with Holly. We updated each other on our individual projects. She is leading the MBA2 Arbuckle Award selection process and I am working on a redesign of the Student Association Sunday Messages. All is good, so off to class.
Prof. Katherine Casey
Walked into class just before Prof. Katherine Casey starts talking. Close call though; I hate being late to class. Today in Strategy Beyond Markets: Challenges and Opportunities in Developing Economies (POLECON 231), we discussed a case where Acumen had to decide between two investments in Kenya.
Had a guest speaker, Roger Deromidi in The International Economy (MGTECON 334) with Prof. Renee Bowen. Roger is the Chairman of Pinnacle Foods and was the former CEO of Kraft Foods. He spoke about how international trade policies impact the food sector and shared stories from his career.
Replied to emails.
Edgar at the Schwab front desk
Chatted with Edgar at the Schwab front desk on the way back to my room. The Schwab staff have been an amazing resource and support during the last few months. They always ask how I am doing and help however they can.
Off to bed. I have been fighting a cold and do not feel great after such a packed day.
Woke up still not feeling great, so I made an appointment at the Vaden Health Center later today. Got ready and went to class.
Learned about product universality and dual response manufacturing through a case on Hewlett-Packard in Global Operations.
Discussed promoting within versus external hiring in Incentives & Productivity.
Spoke on a panel to prospective students about our GSB experience. Sam, the other first-year MBA on the panel, was on my global study trip to Serbia and Croatia, and if approved, we will be leading a trip to Ghana and Togo together with Phuong, Lois, and Rob.
GSB Bikeshare Program
Borrowed a bike from the Schwab front desk to go to my appointment at Vaden. The GSB Bikeshare program is being piloted right now. It is quite convenient since I don’t own a bike, but occasionally do not want to walk or drive when I need to get to the other side of campus.
Vaden Health Center
Went to my appointment and found out that I likely have a sinus infection. Picked up my prescription at the Vaden pharmacy and rode back to Schwab.
Met up with David, my second-year MBA friend, at the GSB Bowl. We worked together in Dallas for Kimberly-Clark. Though we are at the same school, it has been months since we really caught up in-person one-on-one.
Hanging out in Town Square
Caught up with Jonathan and George in Town Square. Over the next hour, we were joined by several others.
Changed into something fancier for the GSB Show.
Friends before the GSB Show.
Took the shuttles to the Fox Theater in Redwood City.
GSB Show at the Fox Theatre
Enjoyed a wonderful GSB Show. I can’t believe GSBers wrote an original musical (plot and songs)! It was hilarious!
Returned to Schwab and skipped the show after party. Spent a couple hours chatting with friends before heading to bed.