Stanford Entrepreneurship Courses

Students at Stanford Graduate School of Business have access to entrepreneurship courses from across the university. To help you identify courses that match your learning goals, below is a listing of all the GSB courses that focus on entrepreneurship and innovation as well as a selection of entrepreneurial courses open to GSB students at other Stanford schools.

If you would like help brainstorming what classes might be a great fit, you can reach out to Lisa Sweeney ( or Slava Derugin ( who are helpful guides in explaining the differences between the various experiential entrepreneurial courses.

Functional Courses

Learn critical functional skills from the perspective of new and growing ventures.

Course Title Quarters School
Customer Experience Design (CxDesign) WIN GSB
Building & Managing Sales Organizations SPR GSB
Fundamentals of Effective Selling AUT GSB
Go to Market SPR GSB
Global Entrepreneurial Marketing AUT SoE
Tell, Make, Engage: Action Stories for Entrepreneuring AUT, WIN, SPR SoE
Product Design and Manufacturing
Advanced Product Design AUT, WIN SoE
Computer-Aided Product Creation AUT, WIN, SPR SoE
Design and Manufacturing AUT, WIN, SPR SoE
Forecasting for Innovators: Exponential Technologies, Tools and Social Transformation WIN SoE
Global Engineering Design Thinking, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship AUT, WIN, SPR SoE
Smart Product Design AUT, WIN SoE
The Magic of Materials and Manufacturing AUT SoE
Creative Gym: A Design Thinking Skills Studio AUT SoE /
d.Leadership: Leading Disruptive Innovation SPR SoE /
Angel and Venture Capital Financing for Entrepreneurs and Investors AUT GSB
Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital WIN GSB
Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital: Partnership for Growth WIN GSB
Financial Management for Entrepreneurs SPR GSB
Investment Management and Entrepreneurial Finance AUT GSB
Venture Capital SPR SLS
Accounting for Managers and Entrepreneurs SPR SoE
Entrepreneurial Management and Finance SPR SoE
Human Resources
Future of Work: A Lab for Startups WIN GSB
People Operations: From Startup to Scaleup WIN GSB
Patent Law and Strategy for Innovators and Entrepreneurs AUT SoE
Technology Licensing and Commercialization WIN, SPR SoE

Industry-Specific Courses

Students can learn about innovating within industries that interest them through these courses.

Course Title Quarters School
Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation in Enterprise Software Firms SPR GSB
Strategies of Effective Product Management WIN GSB
AI and Data Science: Strategy, Management and Entrepreneurship WIN GSB
Entrepreneurship in Asian High Tech Industries SPR SoE
Frontier Technology: Understanding and Preparing for Technology in the Next Economy SPR SoE
Topics in International Technology Management AUT SoE
Health Care
Innovation and Management in Health Care WIN GSB
Leading Strategic Change in the Health Care Industry AUT GSB
Technology Assessment and Regulation of Medical Devices SPR SoE
Biodesign for Digital Health AUT SoM
Biodesign Fundamentals SPR SoM
Global Leaders and Innovators in Human and Planetary Health AUT SoM
Launching a Healthcare Venture: The Nuts and Bolts of Founding a Start Up SPR SoM
Strategic Thinking in Action - In Business and Beyond II (Automotive Industry Disruption) AUT GSB
Disruptions in Education WIN GSB / GSE
Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Education Technology Seminar SPR GSB / GSE
Entrepreneurship in Education: A Comparative Analysis of the US and Emerging Markets WIN GSB
Transforming Education through Entrepreneurship AUT GSB / GSE
Search Funds
Entrepreneurial Acquisition AUT, WIN, SPR GSB
Search Fund Garage SPR GSB
The Enduring Enterprise SPR GSB
Leading Environmental Sustainability by Design SPR GSB
Sports Business Management WIN GSB
The Future of Cities: Entrepreneurship, Policy & Business Strategy SPR GSB
The Yin and Yang of Family Business Transitions AUT GSB
Future of Work: A Lab for Startups WIN GSB
Creating and Leading New Ventures in Engineering and Science-based Industries SPR SoE
Opportunities in PropTech and ConTech Seminar WIN SoE


These are grad-level courses that focus on the strategies and methods for entrepreneurs interested in solving climate and sustainability challenges. For a fuller list of all courses that touch on the intersection of sustainability and entrepreneurship, see the Stanford Ecopreneurship Resource Landscape.

Course Title Quarters School
Startup Garage: Design AUT GSB
Startup Garage: Testing and Launch WIN GSB
Climate Tech for Rapid Decarbonization WIN GSB
Leading Environmental Sustainability by Design SPR GSB
Energy: Innovation, Policy & Business Strategy SPR GSB
Big Ideas & Open Opportunities in Climate-Tech Entrepreneurship AUT SDSS
Case Studies in Leading Change for Sustainability WIN SDSS
Hacking for Climate and Sustainability WIN SDSS
Stanford Climate Ventures WIN, SPR SDSS
Engineering, Entrepreneurship & Climate Change WIN SoE