Career Video Library

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Results for
January 26, 2018

Return to Work: Job Interview Tips from Stanford Alumni

Stanford alumni share job interview tips for reentering the workforce after a career break.
January 26, 2018

Return to Work: Resume Tips from Stanford Alumni

Stanford alumni share resume tips for reentering the workforce after a career break.
January 09, 2018

Planning Your Life’s Next Frontier

Caroline Hall, professional coach and co-founder of Life Reinspired, shares her tips to awaken your sense of purpose and passion for making this next phase of life fulfilling, meaningful, and fun.
December 01, 2017

Return to Work: Networking Tips from Stanford Alumni

Stanford alumni share networking tips for reentering the workforce after a career break.
September 29, 2017

The Informational Interview

This video covers the essential elements of informational interviewing to help you learn, look for work, or “prototype” new experiences effectively.
September 29, 2017

The Networking Reframe

Many people worry that networking is fake or transactional, but when we understand it as asking for directions, it’s easier to see how it can be authentic and mutually beneficial.
May 19, 2017

Bill Burnett: Designing Your Life

Design professor Bill Burnett shares five design thinking tips to re-envision your own life, whether you’re at the start of your career or contemplating your next act.
May 13, 2015

Five Strategies for Surviving a Career Pivot

Learn key strategies for navigating career pivots, including leveraging your strengths, building your knowledge base, and marketing yourself effectively.
Stanford GSB YouTube

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