MAVEN Project

MAVEN Project addresses the social, racial, and economic inequities in health care by connecting frontline safety net clinic providers with expert physician volunteers for medical advice, mentorship, and education, giving patients rapid access to high-quality, specialty care locally. Established in 2014, MAVEN Project currently has 199 physician volunteers averaging 35+ years of clinical experience offering expertise in 62 medical specialties and subspecialties. They partner with 376 clinic sites serving 1.5M patients across 24 states and Puerto Rico. They are mission-driven and strive to increase the number of patients and front-line providers they serve and need additional funding sources to achieve this goal. MAVEN Project’s question: What other market segments may benefit from and pay for MAVEN Project’s existing programs and services, thereby allowing MAVEN Project to diversify its revenue sources?
Date and Time for this Session:Â Wednesday, April 3 from 11am-1pm Pacific