Stanford Biodesign

The Biodesign Program at Stanford University (Biodesign) is a broad collaboration between University faculty and students who share a vision for technology innovation in biomedical engineering through invention and discovery, education, ethics and policy, technology transfer, and career services. The mission of the program is to develop leaders in biomedical technology innovation through collaborative educational programs and resources. Biodesign uses a variety of education methods to serve the biomedical engineering (BME) community, including academic courses, fellowships, seminars, and workshops.
Project Objectives
Biodesign asked an ACT team to:
- Recommend strategies and tactics to achieve long-term financial stability of the Biodesign program
- Provide market research that will assist Biodesign in clarifying its mission, so that it outlines corporate funding process and characterizes Biodesign’s position within the University
Project Overview
The ACT team interviewed alumni, staff, corporations, and venture capital firms to determine Biodesign’s strengths, challenges, and opportunities. The team also examined three different structural options and reviewed potential funding sources.
Key Recommendations
Biodesign mission, goals, and leadership
Clarify mission and goals and implement three-year growth plan
Develop leadership succession plan and communicate to stakeholders
Develop process for identifying and prioritizing new areas for innovation
Clarify differences between Bioengineering, BioX, and Biodesign
Funding strategies
Optimize current processes by improving internal and external communications
Redesign Biodesign’s programs and mission to create multiple opportunities for funding
- Take formal, proactive approach to communicating value to key constituencies
Biodesign within the University
Consider a change in the program’s relationship to Stanford
Matrix: Pros and Cons of Structural Changes
Next Step
- Consider contacting ACT once Biodesign has redefined its mission and position within the university to revisit sustainable funding strategies