Pollution and Health: Generating Evidence and Catalyzing Action to Advance Human and Planetary Health

Stanford Graduate School of Business
Pollution results in over 9 million premature deaths annually. The ongoing degradation of the planet’s health is affecting people now more than ever. Current models of industrialization and consumption pollute the environment, erode biodiversity, and significantly contribute to death and illness - particularly among lower-income and historically marginalized populations. Transforming current economic structures and business models is critical to mitigating pollution and redirecting us towards sustainability.
Stanford’s Human and Planetary Health Initiative prioritizes reducing pollution, sustaining nature, and protecting human health. Sustainable business models are possible, rooted in regeneration.
In this conference, we challenge the Stanford community and our external partners to brainstorm solutions for three major sources of pollution while emphasizing their effects on human health: coal-fired industry, wildfires, and plastic. Jumping off from successful interdisciplinary work underway in each area, we will explore solutions that integrate elements of business, economics, public health, social sciences, and environmental sustainability. Our goal is to build new teams around three big research ideas and put forward an interdisciplinary research agenda to foster a healthier and more sustainable future.
May 20, 2024 from 8:30am-6:30pm
May 21, 2024 from 8:00am-1:45pm