Summit on AI, Body-Worn Cameras, and the Future of Policing

Knight Management Center
Over the past decade, U.S. police departments outfitted tens of thousands of officers with body-worn cameras. Governments spent hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars on this technology, representing the largest new investment in policing in a generation. While the cameras have not lived up to their promise to transform policing, a new set of conditions—advances in AI, more widespread camera adoption, and proven academic research approaches— present a renewed opportunity: rethinking how the cameras and the footage they collect can—through evidence-based research— be used to improve policing in America, fostering more fair, safe, and equitable policing practices.
Researchers from Stanford’s Graduate School of Business, School of Humanities and Sciences, School of Engineering, and Stanford Law School are bringing together policymakers, law enforcement leaders, technologists, and policy experts to explore these issues and discuss frameworks for realizing the research potential of body-worn cameras for communities in California and beyond.
Event Hosts
This event was co-hosted by Stanford SPARQ and Stanford Center for Racial Justice at Stanford Law School.