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Thursday, Sep 12, 2024
8:30am – 5:30pm
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Summit on AI, Body-Worn Cameras, and the Future of Policing

This event fostered conversations and joint exploration on harnessing the research potential of police body-worn cameras to improve interactions between officers and community members.
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Knight Management Center

Over the past decade, U.S. police departments outfitted tens of thousands of officers with body-worn cameras. Governments spent hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars on this technology, representing the largest new investment in policing in a generation. While the cameras have not lived up to their promise to transform policing, a new set of conditions—advances in AI, more widespread camera adoption, and proven academic research approaches— present a renewed opportunity: rethinking how the cameras and the footage they collect can—through evidence-based research— be used to improve policing in America, fostering more fair, safe, and equitable policing practices.

Researchers from Stanford’s Graduate School of Business, School of Humanities and Sciences, School of Engineering, and Stanford Law School are bringing together policymakers, law enforcement leaders, technologists, and policy experts to explore these issues and discuss frameworks for realizing the research potential of body-worn cameras for communities in California and beyond.

Full Conference Agenda

Relevant Research

Stanford SPARQ researchers—led by Professors Jennifer Eberhardt and Dan Jurafsky—have conducted groundbreaking research on body-worn cameras and policing using AI tools like natural language processing (NLP) for nearly a decade. A number of their research findings are summarized below.

Paper 4 (2023)

Police body-worn cameras have the potential to improve accountability and transparency in policing. Yet in practice, they result in millions of hours of footage that is never reviewed. We investigate the potential of large pre-trained speech models for facilitating reviews, focusing on ASR and officer speech detection in footage from traffic stops.

Paper 3 (2021)

The research team conducted five studies on officers’ tone of voice in body-worn camera footage from routine traffic stops. The studies revealed that officers spoke in a more positive tone to White drivers than Black drivers, and that community members who listened to clips of officers speaking in a more negative tone placed less institutional trust in the police department from which the interactions originated and had a more negative view of police generally.

Paper 2 (2018)

The team conducted several follow-up studies using camera footage, modeling the conversational patterns of traffic stops to uncover insights about the gaps and inconsistencies in which police procedural acts occur, which can be used to inform and aid efforts to ensure the procedural justice of police-community interactions.

Paper 1 (2017)

In 2017, Stanford researchers used AI and NLP tools to analyze large amounts of footage from body-worn cameras at nearly 1,000 routine traffic stops in Oakland, CA. Analysis revealed that officers consistently spoke to Black drivers with less respect than White drivers, a disparity that has important implications for procedural justice and the building of police-community trust.

Event Organizers

Jennifer Lynn Eberhardt
William R. Kimball Professor at the Graduate School of Business, Professor of Psychology and by courtesy, of Law, Faculty Co-Director of Stanford SPARQ
Dan Jurafsky
Jackson Eli Reynolds Professor in Humanities, Professor of Linguistics, Professor of Computer Science
Ralph Richard Banks
Jackson Eli Reynolds Professor of Law, Faculty Director of Stanford Center for Racial Justice, Professor, by courtesy, Stanford Graduate School of Education
Dan Sutton
Director, Justice and Safety for the Stanford Center for Racial Justice

Event Hosts

This event was co-hosted by Stanford SPARQ and Stanford Center for Racial Justice at Stanford Law School.