Leadership Agility
Effective leadership requires the ability to flexibly respond to constantly changing and unpredictable environments with ease and agility.
Course Introduction
In this course, you will participate in active and engaging exercises to help you embrace spontaneity, work effectively with others, and tailor your behavior to the needs of your audience and the situation. You will gain an understanding of what drives others to act and learn how to effortlessly engage others in meaningful and enjoyable interactions. You will additionally practice techniques designed to maximize your creativity and problem-solving.
Combining approaches from improvisational theater and research from social psychology, this class provides a highly interactive and research-based foundation for maximizing your agility across the myriad roles you assume as a leader.
Key Topics
- Embracing spontaneity, adaptability, and risk
- Working with others to build ideas work effectively as a team
- Maximizing your creativity
- Accurately perceiving others and understanding how you are perceived
- Understanding the underlying motivations and values that drive you and your team
- Easily building rapport and connecting with others
- Modulating status to effectively lead