
By H. Irving Grousbeck, Ryan Kissick
2016 | Case No. E550 | Length 10 pgs.

The ConvenientMD case highlights the role of emotion and ambiguity in business interactions.  ConvenientMD, led by co-CEOs Gareth Dickens and Max Puyanic, operated urgent care centers (UCCs) in the northeastern United States.  UCCs are medical facilities that provide treatment for a variety of injuries and illnesses at a fraction of the cost of hospitals.  The case, which examines ConvenientMD in its nascent and high-growth years, is divided into two vignettes.

In the first vignette, Dickens and Puyanic had opened a UCC in Hampton, New Hampshire.  Although they believed that ConvenientMD could coexist peacefully with the city’s largest healthcare provider, Hampton Hospital, it was clear that the CEO of Hampton Hospital felt differently.  Wanting to establish a positive affiliation with Hampton Hospital, Dickens and Puyanic scheduled a meeting with the CEO.  Hopeful about paving the way for a better relationship, Dickens and Puyanic were stunned when the CEO greeted them with open hostility.

In the second vignette, Dickens and Puyanic were trying to find a location for a UCC in Pelham, New Hampshire.  After some bad luck, Dickens and Puyanic had a great opportunity.  According to a member of the local zoning board, a site that had previously been described as unavailable was now offered to Dickens and Puyanic.  According to the board member, the site would be theirs if they “take the right steps.”  But should they take these steps?

Learning Objective

The ConvenientMD case focuses on the role of emotion and ambiguity in business interactions. Through the use of role-played dialogue, students learn how to navigate challenging professional conversations and uncertain management issues in an entrepreneurial environment.

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