Evan L. Porteus

The Sanwa Bank, Limited, Professor of Management Science, Emeritus
Evan L. Porteus


Porteus is the Sanwa Bank, Limited, Professor of Management Science, Emeritus at Stanford Graduate School of Business. A graduate of Claremont Men’s College and Case Institute of Technology, he has also worked in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Systems Analysis) and at RAND Corporation, and was a Fulbright-Hays Senior Research Fellow from 1976 to 1977 in Australia. Porteus has published one book and over 50 articles and book chapters. He has been an associate editor of Management Science, Operations Research, and Manufacturing and Service Operations Management.

He has taught in both the MBA and PhD programs and has been an active PhD dissertation advisor. His teaching currently focuses on critical analytical thinking. He has served as codirector of the Stanford-NUS Executive Program in International Management and as area coordinator of the operations, information, and technology group. He was a founding codirector of the Product Development and Manufacturing Strategy Executive Program, a joint venture of Stanford Graduate School of Business and Stanford School of Engineering. He was a founding board member of StartUp, now Renaissance Mid-Peninsula, a nonprofit located in East Palo Alto aimed at identifying, training, and empowering entrepreneurs with under-resourced backgrounds. He served four years as director of the Stanford GSB PhD Program.

Stanford GSB Affiliations

  • Faculty Center for Global Business and the Economy
  • Faculty Director Doctoral Program 1999–2003

Academic Degrees

  • PhD, Case Institute of Technology, 1967
  • BA, Claremont Men’s College, 1964

Academic Appointments

  • At Stanford University since 1970

Awards and Honors

  • Fulbright-Hays Award for Senior Research in Australia, Fulbright Program, 1976–77

Service to the Profession

    • Associate Editor, Operations Research, 1970–2005
    • Senior Editor, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 1996–2005
    • Board of Directors Member, StartUp, 1994–2007
    • Associate Editor, Management Science, 1993–2002

    Professional Experience

    • Research Staff, RAND Corporation, 1969–70
    • Systems Analyst, Office of the Asst. Secretary of Defense, 1967–69

    Research Statement

    Evan Porteus’ research focuses on supply chain management, including incentive issues in supply chains, management and coordination of supply chains, management of the supplier–buyer relationship, and inventory management. He also studies capacity management and competition of various sorts, including service providers, new product and process development, and online versus offline retailing.

    Journal Articles

    Joel Goh, Evan L. Porteus
    Production & Operations Management
    2016 Vol. 25 Issue 8 Pages 1415-1429
    Evan L. Porteus, Hyoduk Shin, Tunay I. Tunca
    Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
    2010 Vol. 12 Issue 1 Pages 140-161
    Alexandar Angelus, Evan L. Porteus
    Operations Research
    2008 Vol. 56 Issue 3 Pages 665-680
    Gal Raz, Evan L. Porteus
    Management Science
    November 2006 Vol. 52 Issue 11 Pages 1764 - 1777
    D. Lawson, Evan L. Porteus
    Operations Research
    2000 Vol. 48 Issue 6 Pages 878-893
    Evan L. Porteus
    Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
    2000 Vol. 2 Issue 2 Pages 203-219
    Glen M. Schmidt, Evan L. Porteus
    Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
    2000 Vol. 2 Issue 1 Pages 1-18
    Evan L. Porteus, Seungjin Whang
    Management Science
    1991 Vol. 37 Issue 9 Pages 1166-1181
    Evan L. Porteus
    Operations Research Letters
    1985 Vol. 3 Issue 6 Pages 293-300
    David M. Kreps, Evan L. Porteus
    1978 Vol. 46 Issue 1 Pages 185–200
    Evan L. Porteus
    Management Science
    March 1971 Vol. 17 Issue 7 Pages 411-426

    Working Papers

    Alexandar Angelus, Evan L. Porteus, Samuel C. Wood 2000
    Joseph M. Hall, Evan L. Porteus 1999
    Martin Lariviere, Evan L. Porteus 1999
    Evan L. Porteus, Alexander Angelus 1995
    Xavier de Groote, Evan L. Porteus 1992
    Evan L. Porteus, Albert Ha 1992
    Evan L. Porteus 1988
    Evan L. Porteus, Charles Fine 1987
    Evan L. Porteus, Anne Spence 1986
    David M. Kreps, Evan L. Porteus 1978
    Evan L. Porteus, Markku Kallio 1976
    Evan L. Porteus, Markku Kallio 1975
    Markku Kallio, Evan L. Porteus 1975
    Evan L. Porteus 1971


    Evan L. Porteus
    Stanford Business Books

    Book Chapters

    Evan L. Porteus
    Building Intuition
    2008 Pages 115-134


    Claire Magat, Evan Porteus, Dennis Rohan

    In the Media

    Insights by Stanford Business

    June 01, 2007
    A mathematical model aligns quantity and price to produce maximum profits.