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Contemporary Social Federalism: Sorting, Natural Polarization, and Policy Devolvement
David P. Baron
Journal of Theoretical Politics
Majority rule: Do minorities live in ‘tighter’ social worlds?
Morgan Weaving, Michele J. Gelfand
Current Opinion in Psychology
Vol. 60
On Synthetic Difference-in-Differences and Related Estimation Methods in Stata
Damian Clarke, Daniel Pailañir, Susan Athey, Guido W. Imbens
The Stata Journal: Promoting Communications on Statistics and Stata
Vol. 24
Issue 4
A Prediction Model for Differential Resilience to the Effects of Combat-Related Stressors in U.S. Army Soldiers
Ronald C. Kessler, Robert M. Bossarte, Irving Hwang, Alex Luedtke, James A. Naifeh, Matthew K. Nock, Maria Petukhova, Ekaterina Sadikova, Nancy A. Sampson, Erik Sverdrup, Jose R. Zubizarreta, Stefan Wager, James Wagner, Murray B. Stein, Robert J. Ursano
International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research
Vol. 33
Issue 4
The CEO Scorecard: How Directors Select a CEO When They Have Real Skin in the Game
A.J. Galainena, David F. Larcker, Mason Morfit, Bloor Redding, Amit Seru, Brian Tayan
Stanford Closer Look Series
Corporate Governance Research Initiative
The Diffusion and Reach of (Mis)Information on Facebook During the U.S. 2020 Election
Sandra González-Bailón, David Lazer, Pablo Barberá, William Godel, Hunt Allcott, Taylor Brown, Adriana Crespo-Tenorio, Deen Freelon, Matthew Gentzkow, Andrew M. Guess, Shanto Iyengar, Young Mie Kim, Neil Malhotra, Devra Moehler, Brendan Nyhan, Jennifer Pan, Carlos Velasco Rivera, Jaime Settle, Emily Thorson, Rebekah Tromble, Arjun Wilkins, Magdalena Wojcieszak, Chad Kiewiet de Jonge, Annie Franco, Winter Mason, Natalie Jomini Stroud, Joshua A. Tucker
Sociological Science
Vol. 11
Pages 1124–1146.
Accounting and Innovation: Paths Forward for Research
Mary E. Barth, Kurt H. Gee
Journal of Accounting and Economics
Vol. 78
Issue 2–3
Choosing the “Right” Default Donation Amounts for Each Donor to Balance Multiple Fundraising Objectives
Susan Athey, Kristine Koutout, Shanjukta Nath
Golub Capital Social Impact Lab
Cultural Tightness and Resilience Against Environmental Shocks in Nonindustrial Societies
Denis Tverskoi, Carol R. Ember, Michele J. Gelfand, Eric C. Jones, Ian Skoggard, Louise Toutée, Sergey Gavrilets
Psychological and Cognitive Sciences
Vol. 121
Issue 49
Design-Robust Two-Way-Fixed-Effects Regression For Panel Data
Dmitry Arkhangelsky, Guido W. Imbens, Lihua Lei, Xiaoman Luo
Quantitative Economics
Vol. 15
Issue 4
Pages 999–1034.
Endogenous Reorganization: Status, Productivity and Meritocratic Dynamics
Ashutosh Thakur, Jonathan Bendor
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Vol. 227
Incentive Auction Design Alternatives: A Simulation Study
Neil Newman, Kevin Leyton-Brown, Paul R. Milgrom, Ilya Segal
Management Science
Vol. 70
Issue 11
Pages 7345–8215.
Preference Externality Estimators: A Comparison of Border Approaches and IVs
Xing Li, Wesley R. Hartmann, Tomomichi Amano
Management Science
Vol. 70
Issue 11
Pages 7345–8215.
Revisiting Event-Study Designs: Robust and Efficient Estimation
Kirill Borusyak, Xavier Jaravel, Jann Spiess
The Review of Economic Studies
Vol. 91
Issue 6
Pages 3253–3285.
Robustly Optimal Mechanisms for Selling Multiple Goods
Yeon-Koo Che, Weijie Zhong
The Review of Economic Studies
The Lifetime Impacts of the New Deal's Youth Employment Program
Anna Aizer, Nancy Early, Shari Eli, Guido W. Imbens, Keyoung Lee, Adriana Lleras-Muney, Alexander Strand
The Quarterly Journal of Economics
Vol. 139
Issue 4
Pages 2579–2635.
The Unicorn Quest: Deriving Empirical Predictions from Theory
Anne Beyer, Junyoung Jeong
Journal of Accounting and Economics
Vol. 78
Issue 2–3
The Year in Review: Economics at the Antitrust Division 2023–2024
Susan Athey, Alex Gross, Ioana Marinescu, Jennifer Shanefelter
Review of Industrial Organization
Toxic Cultures: How Narcissistic Leaders Undermine Psychological Safety
Charles A. O’Reilly, Bernadette Doerr, Angela Hua
Current Psychology
Vol. 43
Pages 34778–34791.
Agency MBS as Safe Assets
Zhiguo He, Zhaogang Song
forthcoming, Review of Financial Studies