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Solar Flare Up: Systemic Organizational Risk in the Residential Solar Industry

David F. Larcker, Brian Tayan
Stanford Closer Look Series Corporate Governance Research Initiative August142024

The Drivers and Implications of Retail Margin Trading

Zhiguo He, Jiangze Bian, Dong Lou, Kelly Shue, Zhi Da, Hao Zhou
Journal of Finance August102024

The Drivers and Implications of Retail Margin Trading

Zhiguo He, Jiangze Bian, Zhi Da, Dong Lou, Kelly Shue, Hao Zhou
Journal of Finance August102024 Vol. forthcoming

Corporate Debt Structure with Home and International Currency Bias

Matteo Maggiori, Brent Neiman, Jesse Schreger
IMF Economic Review August2024

Do Investors Value Workforce Gender Diversity?

David Peter Daniels, Jennifer E. Dannals, Thomas Z. Lys, Margaret Ann Neale
Organization Science August2024

Fading Corporate Survival Prospects: Impact of Co-selection Bias in Resource Allocation on Strategic Intent

Robert A. Burgelman, Pertti Aaltonen
Strategic Management Journal August2024

Fraudulent Financial Reporting and the Consequences for Employees

Jung Ho Choi, Brandon Gipper
Journal of Accounting and Economics August2024 Vol. 78 Issue 1

Global Capital Allocation

Sergio Florez-Orrego, Matteo Maggiori, Jesse Schreger, Ziwen Sun, Serdil Tinda
Annual Review of Economics August2024 Vol. 16 Pages 623–653.

Is Gender Primacy Universal?

Ashley Martin, Diego Guevara Beltran, Jeremy Koster, Jessica L. Tracy
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences August2024 Vol. 121 Issue 35

A Kinky Consistency: Experimental Evidence of Behavior Under Linear and Non-Linear Budget Sets

Emiliano Huet-Vaughn, Ethan M. L. McClure, Juan Carlos Suárez Serrato
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics August2024 Vol. 16 Issue 3 Pages 424–458.

A Legend in One’s Own Mind: The Link between Ambition and Leadership Evaluations

Shilaan Alzahawi, Em Reit, Francis J. Flynn
PNAS Nexus August2024 Vol. 3 Issue 8 Pages 295.

Observers of Social Media Discussions about Racial Discrimination Condemn Denial but Also Adopt It

Kiara L. Sanchez, Maggie Harrington, Cinoo Lee, Jennifer Eberhardt
Scientific Reports August2024 Vol. 14

Policy Impact and Voter Mobilization: Evidence from Farmers’ Trade War Experiences

Jake Alton Jares, Neil Malhotra
American Political Science Review August2024 Pages 1–23.

Policy Learning with Adaptively Collected Data

Ruohan Zhan, Zhimei Ren, Susan Athey, Zhengyuan Zhou
Management Science August2024 Vol. 70 Issue 8 Pages 4953–5625.

The Plot Thickens: A Sociology of Conspiracy Theories

Hayagreeva Rao, Henrich R. Greve
Annual Review of Sociology August2024 Vol. 50

The Sociology of Interpretation

Amir Goldberg, Madison Singell
Annual Review of Sociology August2024 Vol. 50 Pages 85–105.

Corporate Carbon Accounting: Balance Sheets and Flow Statements

Stefan J. Reichelstein
Review of Accounting Studies July2024 Vol. 29 Pages 2125–2156.

Drivers of Public Procurement Prices: Evidence from Pharmaceutical Markets

Claudia Allende Santa Cruz, Juan Pablo Atal, Rodrigo Carril, José Ignacio Cuesta, Andrés González-Lira
International Journal of Industrial Organization July2024

Expectations and the Neutrality of Interest Rates

John H. Cochrane
Review of Economic Dynamics July2024 Vol. 53