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Beyond the Balance Sheet Model of Banking: Implications for Bank Regulation and Monetary Policy

Greg Buchak, Gregor Matvos, Tomasz Piskorski, Amit Seru
Journal of Political Economy February2024 Vol. 132 Issue 2

Changes in Social Norms during the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic across 43 Countries

G. Andrighetto, A. Szekely, A. Guido, Michele J. Gelfand, et. al.
Nature Communications February2024 Vol. 15

Cultural Tariffing: Appropriation and the Right to Cross Cultural Boundaries

Abraham Oshotse, Yael Berda, Amir Goldberg
American Sociological Review February2024

Explaining the Evolution of Gossip

Xinyue Pan, Vincent Hsiao, Dana S. Nau, Michele J. Gelfand
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences February2024 Vol. 121 Issue 9

Fee Variation in Private Equity

Juliane Begenau, Emil N. Siriwardane
The Journal of Finance February2024

Online Images Amplify Gender Bias

Douglas R. Guilbeault, Solène Delecourt, Tasker Hull, Bhargav Srinivasa Desikan, Mark Chu, Ethan Nadler
Nature February2024 Vol. 626 Pages 1049–1055.

Pricing Power in Advertising Markets: Theory and Evidence

Jesse M. Shapiro, Frank Yang, Ali Yurukoglu
American Economic Review February2024 Vol. 114 Issue 2 Pages 500–533.

Regulating Privacy Online: An Economic Evaluation of the GDPR

Samuel Goldberg, Garrett A. Johnson, Scott K. Shriver
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy February2024 Vol. 16 Issue 1 Pages 325–358.

The Allure of Consensus: People (Over)Seek Consensus in Selecting Group Persuasion Strategies.

Derek Rucker, Jesse D'Agostino, Mark Dyer, Zakary Tormala
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology February2024

Using Price Promotions to Drive Children’s Healthy Choices in a Developing Economy

Szu-chi Huang, Michal Maimaran, Daniella Kupor
Journal of Marketing Research February2024 Vol. 61 Issue 6

When Rule Breaking in Art Falls Flat: Cultural Tightness Deflates Deviant Artists’ Impact

Eftychia Stamkou, Rohan Dunham, Matthew Pelowski, Ying Lin, Michele J. Gelfand
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts February2024 Vol. 18 Issue 1 Pages 14–30.

CAREER: A Foundation Model for Labor Sequence Data

Keyon Vafa, Emil Palikot, Tianyu Du, Ayush Kanodia, Susan Athey, David Blei
Transactions on Machine Learning Research January2024

ELPR: A New Measure of Capital Adequacy for Commercial Banks

Charles M. C. Lee, Yanruo Wang, Qinlin Zhong
The Accounting Review January2024 Vol. 99 Issue 1 Pages 337–365.

Electoral Campaigns as Dynamic Contests

Avidit Acharya, Edoardo Grillo, Takuo Sugaya, Eray Turkel
Journal of the European Economic Association January2024

Intergroup Conflict as Contest and Disease

Nir Halevy, Alexander P. Landry
Trends in Cognitive Sciences January2024 Vol. 28 Issue 1 Pages 5–7.

Norm Dynamics: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Social Norm Emergence, Persistence, and Change

Michele J. Gelfand, Sergey Gavrilets, Nathan Nunn
Annual Review of Psychology January2024 Vol. 75 Pages 341–378.

Opportunities for CMS to Improve Healthcare Access and Equity through Advancing Technology-Enabled Startups and Digital Health Innovations

Shobha Dasari, Raihana Mehreen, Kristin Baker Spohn, Andrey Ostrovsky
npj Digital Medicine January2024 Vol. 7 Issue 23

Quality Selection in Two-Sided Markets: A Constrained Price Discrimination Approach

Ramesh Johari, Bar Light, Gabriel Weintraub
Operations Research January2024

Rank-and-File Accounting Employee Compensation and Financial Reporting Quality

Christopher S. Armstrong, John D. Kepler, David F. Larcker, Shawn X. Shi
Journal of Accounting and Economics January2024

Rid Your Organization of Obstacles That Infuriate Everyone

Robert I. Sutton, Hayagreeva Rao
Harvard Business Review January2024