Our lives are full of competing priorities—work, family, self, and community, to name a few. How does one manage it all? The answer is highly personal and changes in response to life circumstances.
We encourage you to:
- Reflect on your values, vision, and priorities using the Career and Life Reflection workbookopen in new window
- Revisit the question “How does one manage it all?” at regular points in time
- Take the long view — your life and career span decades. Make short-term decisions in the context of your longer-term goals and vision.
Work-Life Integration Resources
Ready to relaunch your career?
Reentry poses unique challenges and the opportunity to envision a career that fits your current life, passions, and professional strengths. Explore these resources:
Considering flexible work?
Many alumni pursue flexible or part-time work as a strategy to integrate work and family. Consider these resources: