
How do you turn an inflection point in your career into an opportunity? How can you catapult your career to the next level?

Executive Leadership Development won’t give you a specific leadership recipe to follow. But it will teach you how to cook for yourself — strengthening your analytical tools, management acumen, and interpersonal skills.

Program Format

The program’s format and multi-disciplinary curriculum follow the Stanford MBA Program across three key themes: business acumen, innovation, and leadership. You’ll learn how to resolve strategic problems, build and motivate effective teams, and drive change in yourself and your organization.

Program Highlights

The sessions mentioned below are just a sample of those you’ll experience as part of the program.

Making Sound Decisions

Some managerial decisions involve a great deal of attention and effort while others are made on instinct. In this session, you will consider the upsides and downsides of intuition in decision-making and discuss models for effective decision-making in organizations. To make our lessons clear, we will draw on a case study, based on an actual organization that highlights the pitfalls of rash judgment and the benefits of sound decision-making principles. You will engage in a live interaction and debate their preferred course of action.

Leadership Coaching

Personal leadership development is a key focus of the program and the Leadership Coaching offered as an aspect of this program is a highly reviewed benefit by past participants. To enhance your awareness of your leadership style and how it’s perceived by others, we combine classroom learning with Stanford’s proprietary 360º in-depth leadership assessment tool called LEAP, also known as Leadership Evaluation and Action Planning.

With the personalized guidance of leadership coaching, LEAP is designed to help you strengthen your leadership skills so you can improve your performance, energize your workplace, and advance your career. It also helps you gain unique insight into your leadership skills, set priorities, and develop a 100-day action plan with leadership coaching.

Design Thinking

Learn design thinking tools and techniques developed at Stanford’s Hasso Plattner Institute of Design, affectionately called the This experiential learning process draws on methods from engineering and design, and combines them with ideas from the arts, tools from the social sciences, and insights from the business world. You will explore mindsets of empathy, rapid prototyping, collaboration, iteration, and feedback.

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September 18, 2020

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Jana Dubovska | Executive Education, Stanford GSB
Associate Director, Programs Executive Education